She-Hulk Controversial Plot Twist Reignites Civil War Feud

Yes, after all these years.
Episode 8 of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law has addressed a longtime issue in the Marvel Cinematic Universe: the embattled Sokovia Accords that once split up the Avengers.
In the new episode, the controversial legal document was revealed to have been repealed — a move that prompted many Team Cap apologists to believe that Steve Rogers was "on the right side of history" in Captain America: Civil War.
"Was there ever a real discussion about it? It's pretty clear Iron Man was alwas wrong regarding this, they tried to balance it out with making Cap keep Tony's parents death secret, but the Sokovia part was clear from the start, Iron Man guilt tripped everyone for HIS mistakes." – @tyranosaurusjex
Naturally, their joy could not be left unnoticed by Iron Man supporters, who quickly stood up in arms to defend their favorite character.
"Cap was not right. He led to the Avengers breaking up and not being together to face Thanos. Granted they would have probably still failed, but at least he wouldn't have been a liar, seeing as they would have failed together." – @lv99ron
Many Cap defenders argued that Civil War was wrong to have Peter Parker siding with Iron Man, and suggested that Thor would have also agreed with Steve Rogers if he had a choice. According to them, Tony Stark was irresponsible and acted contrary to his own beliefs when he recruited a teenage superhero.
However, Iron Man supporters believe that Captain America was hypocritical and way too loyal to his friend Bucky Barnes, and his good intentions in fact led to the breakup of the Earth's mightiest heroes.
But there is a third camp as well, with some people arguing that the reason for repealing the Sokovia Accords was not necessarily about the document being wrong but rather about the circumstances that led to the decision.
"I wonder if the UN decided to repeal them because of the blip, considering they probably realized because of the accords the Avengers weren't together to stop Thanos." – @minecraftboy65x
Sokovia Accords envisaged government control over superheroes, and the reasons the Avengers were divided over it was because Tony Stark supported the initiative, and Steve Rogers was infuriated by it and refused to sign.
Now that She-Hulk has made it clear that the accords have been repealed, it's likely that the MCU needs another kind of a legal regulation when it comes to enhanced individuals, because clearly, superheroes' potential legal issues are nowhere near being resolved. There is a chance that Jennifer Walters and Matt Murdock might be someone who could contribute to coming up with new legal regulations for superheroes.
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law is streaming on Disney Plus, with new episodes arriving every Thursday.