
Star Wars Prequels Were Supposed to Be Very Different (and So Much Better)

Star Wars Prequels Were Supposed to Be Very Different (and So Much Better)
Image credit: Legion-Media

The prequel trilogy is not everyone's favorite (though that's nothing compared to the hate the sequel trilogy gets), but there was a time when the prequels still had potential.

In a galaxy far, far away – or rather, in the days far, far away – Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher went on Blue Peter to promote 1980's The Empire Strikes Back.

They talked about their experiences on the set and mentioned that they still had one more movie to go. By the way, Return of the Jedi was supposed to be called The Revenge of the Jedi!

Later on, Mark revealed the plans for the prequels that followed the original trilogy, and they were pretty different from what we got in the end.

Originally, the fourth movie was going to go back 20 years and focus on the story of young Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

In that case, we would've gotten Hayden Christensen for one more movie, and maybe the prequels would've been different.

The actor wouldn't be as hated as he is now if he had gotten more screen time and a better motive to become evil Darth Vader (at least, it would be more believable).

The actor also shared that the final movie in the prequel trilogy was going to feature a younger Luke (about five or six years old).

If Luke hadn't been a baby in the third prequel installment, who basically appeared at the very end of the movie, that would have opened up so many possibilities plot-wise.

We could've seen him grow up with his step-aunt and step-uncle. We could've gotten a glimpse at Leia living her best life as a young Princess. We could've even found out what Darth Vader was up to.

The prequel trilogy would still have had a time jump, but going from Anakin and Padme falling in love, getting married, and having children to Anakin becoming Darth Vader five years in the future would've given the prequels more consistency.

He would've had more time to turn to the dark side and more logical (kind of) reasons to start killing people left and right.

The original idea for the prequels might've still made fans unhappy, or the movies might've turned out better than they did. Too bad we'll never know now.

Source: BBC