Stranger Things Robbed Us Of What Could Have Been Its Best Couple

Stranger Things Robbed Us Of What Could Have Been Its Best Couple
Image credit: Legion-Media

A love story that was doomed right from the start.

Stranger Things blessed us with some great couples: Mike and Eleven, Lucas and Max, Nancy and Jonathan, Hopper and Joyce.

We'll leave it up to you to decide which couple is the best, but instead, we're going to talk about a couple that had huge potential but never even got a shot.

We're talking about Eddie and Chrissy. And it's not fan fiction; it's actually what fans think would be a great addition to the show and potentially one of its best couples

Chrissy was lead cheerleader at her local high school and, unluckily, she was also the first victim of Vecna's curse in season 4.

To be honest, Chrissy and Eddie Munson didn't share that many moments together. Initially, Chrissy just wanted to buy some drugs from Eddie.

But the scene when they meet in the forest managed to kill two birds with one stone: we saw that Eddie is actually a good guy, and secondly, he and Chrissy had some insane chemistry.

It's understandable why fans think they would be a perfect couple. Eddie uncovered his compassionate personality, while Chrissy is clearly a traumatized person with a heavy background.

Given Eddie's compassion, he would always be there for Chrissy and help her get through her troubles.

Stranger Things Robbed Us Of What Could Have Been Its Best Couple - image 1

But what about Jason, who was actually Chrissy's boyfriend? Well, Chrissy's relationship with Jason seemed really idyllic, and Jason actually loved her from what we've seen later on the show, but there is a catch.

Apparently Chrissy was pretending to be perfect and flawless, and having an ideal couple was part of it. But the truth is, she probably never opened up to Jason about her issues.

In contrast, she could be her genuine self when she was with Eddie.

Most of the fans definitely loved Chrissy, but some of them claim that she was perfect just for a few episodes but wouldn't be as interesting in the long run.

However, the exploration of her traumatizing relationship with her mother and a potential love triangle would be great additions to season 4's story.

Unfortunately, Eddie and Chrissy won't be happening because they are both gone. Chrissy died and left Jason heartbroken, while Eddie's death broke the hearts of thousands of viewers.