TV Succession Game of Thrones

Succession's Jeremy Strong Compares Upcoming Finale to Game of Thrones: Should We Be Scared?

Succession's Jeremy Strong Compares Upcoming Finale to Game of Thrones: Should We Be Scared?
Image credit: Legion-Media

Jeremy Strong apparently hinted at the conclusion of the Succession story.

Succession 's fast-approaching finale is closer than ever. The 10th episode of season 4 and the last episode for the show will air this Sunday, on May 28.

In the second-to-last episode of Succession, we got to see Logan's funeral. The whole episode was all about Kendall trying to position himself as his dad's true successor.

Many fans expect Kendall to become the next CEO. People think that it's inevitable, and he is the only one that can take over. Some even joke (or not) that either Kendall wins, or he commits suicide.

Jeremy Strong, during his appearance on the most recent episode of HBO's official podcast for Succession, revealed some details about Kendall's state of mind as the series finale approaches.

The talented actor, who has won an Emmy for his portrayal, drew a parallel to a renowned HBO series, Game of Thrones, describing it as a pivotal "Dracarys moment" for Kendall.

Referring to Dracarys moment, Strong seems to be talking about the intense 5th episode from Game of Thrones' last season.

The exact episode where Daenerys goes all crazy and burns down King's Landing while riding her dragon.

A lot of innocent people get killed in the process. And then, to top it off, she becomes the queen of the ashes, but Jon ends up taking her out not long after.

Just like how Daenerys had her epic Dracarys moment fueled by losing Missandei and Jorah Mormont, Kendall has his own major thing going on as he's lost some important people in his life.

Just prior to Logan's funeral, Rava, Kendall's spouse, relocates their children elsewhere, while his assistant Jess delivers the shocking news that she is moving on.

If Kendall ultimately becomes the sole CEO in the concluding episode of Succession, he may find himself resembling Daenerys and Logan — alienated from everyone and trapped in a bleak existence.

We don't have long to wait to see the conclusion of the great show. So buckle up and don't miss out on the finale this Sunday, on HBO.

Source: HBO