TBBT Character Who Made Us Cry The Most Was Never Even On Screen 

TBBT Character Who Made Us Cry The Most Was Never Even On Screen 
Image credit: CBS

How is it possible to become a fan-favorite character without ever appearing on the show?

The Big Bang Theory is a sitcom about a group of nerdy friends who deal with the everyday struggles of a world that is not so easy for them. Although, the journey of Leonard, Raj, Howard and, of course, Sheldon is full of laughs and funny moments.

In their own unique ways, the show's main characters made fans cry out loud millions of times. For example, every time Sheldon had a problem understanding sarcasm, or when witnessing the chain of Howard's failures with girls for many absurd reasons. Yes, the comedy part of the show was very fulfilling.

But at some points, the show also created the most heartbreaking moments. Like when Pr. Proton died, and we saw how hard that hit Sheldon. Or when Penny realized that she was actually a failure for not becoming a great actress after trying for so many years.

But all of that doesn't even compare to what happened in season 8 episode 15 The Comic Book Store Regeneration.

In that episode, Howard got a phone call and found out that his mother had died. This came as a shock not only to him, but to the rest of the group of friends. The thing is, Mrs. Wolowitz played a huge role in their lives in the most unexpected ways. And despite the fact that she was often described as a difficult woman to deal with, she was extraordinary.

The loss of Mr. Wolowitz was also hard for the fans. And this is very surprising, because they never saw her on the screen. Mrs. Wolowitz was only represented by the loud screaming voice of actress Carol Ann Susi. But apparently that was enough to make her one of the most beloved characters.

“The scene where the group gives her a toast made me cry. I can't believe how brilliant of a storyteller you have to be to make the watcher mourn for a character who was never once shown on screen in 8 and a half seasons”, Redditor Shortsmoke666 said.

The episode is really overwhelming, but it once again showed the true friendship that the main characters of the show had.