TBBT Finale Could Be Perfect If It Wasn't For This Annoying Moment

This is a prime example of lazy writing.
It's safe to say that the majority of viewers were satisfied after watching The Big Bang Theory finale.
It was perfect in every way: giving fans a sense of closure, focusing on each and every character just enough to be recognizable, but not too much to be annoying. It was bittersweet, just like the finale of your favorite sitcom should be.
The audience was left feeling warm and fuzzy from all the happiness for the characters, but also sad to never see them again.
Although The Big Bang Theory ending received mostly positive reactions, there were some viewers who couldn't help but notice some very strange things about Penny's pregnancy.
Yes, it was obvious that the writers would go this route and make Penny fully adapt to the family-centered lifestyle.
Although it was unfortunate, considering that Penny had been a childless character for years and could have been a great representation, this decision wasn't unexpected.
After all, they did it before with Bernadette, and there was nothing else the audience could expect this time. However, there was a big difference in how things were done with Bernadette and Howard versus Leonard and Penny.
It wasn't just the storyline itself that disappointed viewers, it was the lack of explanation given for the sudden change.
The audience is expected to believe Leonard's brief line, "Well, now she does," in reference to Penny wanting to have children. And it just doesn't ring true.
Judging from fan comments about the episode in general and the pregnancy storyline in particular, the change would not require much effort.
Just adding a line like "she changed her mind after an ultrasound" or "people change" would be enough to confirm that the child would be loved equally by both parents.
However, the writers did not bother to add that part, leaving it to the viewer's imagination.
Whether this was a classic case of lazy writing or not, you can decide for yourself by re-watching The Big Bang Theory finale.
You can stream all the episodes on Netflix or MAX.