TBBT Raj's Love Interests Ranked From Worst To The One That Should've Been Endgame

It's been 4 years since the season finale, but fans still can't believe Raj ended up single.
After the heartfelt ending of The Big Bang Theory, it was especially sad for fans of Raj to see him single.
Of course, that doesn't really mean anything except that he could continue to explore himself with different women around him, but the sitcom's ending felt like it almost required someone to be around him.
It's not like there was a shortage of contenders for Raj's heart during the 12 years of the show. If anything, he spent too much time swinging from one woman to another without really trying to build anything meaningful.
Still, there were some women in his life that fans would love to see him reunite with. And even someone so special that they could have been an endgame.
5. Anu
Anu would no doubt be nice for anyone, but not the Rajesh we know and love.
He's never been the type for an arranged marriage, and fans were actually relieved to see Howard talk his best friend out of this proposal.
4. Lucy
Although it was all very nice and sweet in the beginning, their relationship quickly became toxic for both of them.
They were not on the same page, with Raj pushing Lucy to overcome her fears and not being gentle with her at all, and Lucy dumping him over email as a result.
It's nice that they were able to work things out in the end, but the relationship was never meant to be repaired.
3. Isabella
Despite her relatively short run on the show, Isabella had quite a few fans.
The storyline the writers came up with for her and Raj seems to be an unusual learning and growing experience for him, which could be great if it was not discarded so early on.
It's a shame they didn't go for it, because true love is supposed to make you a better person.
2. Emily
Morbid Emily, to be exact. Their relationship was already strong enough to overcome some differences.
Emily found Raj's quirks nothing but adorable, and she could fit seamlessly into their group of friends: a task not many could accomplish.
If anything, the problems they had because of her special interests might add some realness to their couple.
1. Yvette the Vet
Yevette was undoubtedly the most popular girl Raj had ever been interested in.
She was witty, smart, funny and shared a love of animals, which hopefully meant she wouldn't judge his relationship with Cinnamon.
However, even though she's at the top of Raj's ex-lover ratings, she's not the one the audience believes is his endgame.
Endgame. Howard Wolowitz.
There's nothing much to say, as out of all people throughout 12 years fans haven't seen one to compare with Howard.
The bond Raj and Howard had was unbreakable, so maybe The Big Bang Theory ending makes sense after all. True love will always find its way.
Source: Reddit