TBBT’s Kevin Sussman Is Basically Stuart IRL, but It’s Not What You Think

TBBT’s Kevin Sussman Is Basically Stuart IRL, but It’s Not What You Think
Image credit: CBS

Luckily for the actor, his confidence was never quite as affected.

The career of an actor requires the ability to transform oneself into a character that is written into the script. Whether the transformation is purely physical or also mental, it's very rare for the actor to play basically themselves, but under a different name.

However, there are some cases where actors are more similar to their characters or have more similar backgrounds than the majority of viewers would believe.

This is 100% true for some of the cast members of The Big Bang Theory. While some share the education and professional field with their character, like Mayim Bialik, who portrays neuroscientist Amy Farrah Fowler and has a matching degree, for others the similarities end with personality traits.

For Kevin Sussman, it was always the former rather than the latter. And that's a huge relief, considering poor Stuart's mental state and constant look of self-deprecation. What makes him closer to Stuart is his past — just like his character, he spent some time working as a salesman in a local comic book store.

TBBT’s Kevin Sussman Is Basically Stuart IRL, but It’s Not What You Think - image 1

Even though Sussman didn't own the store in question and didn't have to go through as much despair after losing it, the experience certainly helped the actor understand his character at least a little better. He opened up about those times in an interview with TV Store Online:

“I understand what it’s like to work in a comic book shop, and I am aware of the duties that fall to the proprietor. And throughout the years, having that experience has really helped me out on the show since it has allowed me to blend in and appear busy when the guys stop by to browse for books and chat,” he shared.

The actor also noted how much creative freedom he had with Stuart's personality and how willing the show's creators were to base some of the character's traits on him. He may have been sad and overwhelmed with self-pity at times, but he was definitely relatable.

This story just goes to show how important it is to have as many experiences as possible as an actor. Although the road to fame and glamor can be difficult, you never know when you'll need to use certain skills.

If you are feeling nostalgic and want to spend an evening re-watching your favorite episodes of The Big Bang Theory, you can stream the iconic sitcom on Netflix or Max.

Source: TV Store Online

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