The 30 Greatest Mini-Series on Netflix Ever

Do you enjoy the occasional binge, but don't have time to watch a ton of seasons in a row? Luckily, Netflix has you covered with the insane amount of great miniseries that have premiered on the platform over the years.
And to make choosing your next bite-sized binge easier, we've compiled a massive list of the 30 best miniseries the streaming giant has to offer.
Of course, not every single entry on this list is a true masterpiece. Shows like "Unorthodox," "Alias Grace," and "Clark" stand miles above their competition, but that shouldn't stop you from checking out the other projects.
After all, some of the aforementioned shows simply failed to find their audience, and their qualities may appeal to you more than those of Netflix 's certified masterpieces.
But one thing is for sure – every single show on this list will leave you satisfied and not wanting more. We love miniseries for exactly these reasons, because spending less time and still getting the satisfaction of following the intricately crafted storylines is a hard thing to come by in the current age of massive and often over-the-top TV shows.