The Big Bang Theory Spoiled Its Problematic Grand Finale Big Time in Season 7

The Big Bang Theory Spoiled Its Problematic Grand Finale Big Time in Season 7
Image credit: CBS

We bet you didn’t see this coming.

Even though The Big Bang Theory was never a show that focused on the plot more than on the character development, viewers were still interested to know what the finale would look like.

While many speculated that the ending would be similar to Friends, with the characters saying goodbye to their old apartment, others always thought that the finale would be somehow connected to the group's scientific work. Now that we are aware that the latter predictions were indeed correct, it's easy to look for some foreshadowing that the show offered.

Not only did one scene in particular predict the Nobel Prize, but it also hinted at Amy's heavy involvement in the matter. Back in season 7, when Sheldon and Penny went to see a psychic named Ms. Davora, Sheldon was told that if he gave himself completely to the relationship, all of his other pursuits in life would come into focus as well.

Skeptical as he is, Sheldon did not believe Ms. Davora at the time, but did feel attacked by her words. Later on, we all saw her predictions come true and tie together the finale of the show five years later in season 12. The theory that won the couple their prize was also created right on their wedding day, so the psychic's predictions ended up being quite literal as well.

While some viewers enjoy these little moments and appreciate a bit of foreshadowing, which is always fun to look back on, others feel that this particular scene with Ms. Davora did more harm than good. The argument is that for the show to be so focused on science, it was not a good look to show the more spiritual characters to be right in the end.

Do you think Ms. Davora being correct with her predictions is harmful to TBBT’s science-based outlook on life?

Whether you liked the scene or found it a little cringe-worthy in the context of the show, it's nice to know that Sheldon's biggest dream came true, and he was surrounded by the people closest to him to celebrate. If you want to relive this special moment, you can stream The Big Bang Theory finale on Netflix or Max.

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