TV The Boys

The Boys' Biggest Waste That Fans Still Can't Forgive

The Boys' Biggest Waste That Fans Still Can't Forgive
Image credit: Legion-Media

Could a good guy survive The Seven longer than for a few days?

The Boys is truly notable for its characters and writers' ability to portray them for who they are—showing the good, the bad, the dirty, and doing justice for seemingly most insane heroes.

However, fans don't seem to get over one hero that made it to The Seven and got killed off almost immediately after. That hero is Supersonic, and he deserved better.

With Supersonic being a perfect example of an overall "good" character, no one really expected him to stay in the universe for long without either going completely nuts or changing his ways.

His intentions were clear as he really wanted to help Starlight, but he should've taken her warning more seriously and left while he could.

But it's not his death that bothers viewers, it is how soon it happened and how obvious it was. For many, it felt like it was just a matter of time before he meets his death, as he was clearly presented as a "sacrificial lamb" to a plot.

The only goal for his character was to create something to create tension in Starlight and Hughie's relations and give Starlight another character development arc to build upon.

In fact, we didn't even get to see his superpowers in action! Well, if you don't count his singing as a superpower itself.

Not everyone was so sure about his death though. Some fans expected him to turn out to be a bad guy and rat Starlight out to Homelander as soon as she shared her plan with him.

Although that didn't happen, that seems like a cool alternative as opposed to the original Supersonic storyline which felt way too short.

"I thought he was going to snitch to Homelander, who was just going to kill him anyway," Redditor enadiz_reccos says, suggesting another "could've been" version.

Unfortunately, as Supersonic really got wasted to the point of no return, viewers can only hope to see someone as likable survive for a little longer on The Boys again in the future.

Keep your eyes open to not miss the official release date for season 4!