The Boys vs Invincible: Reddit Clashes Homelander and Omni-Man in a Duel

Does Homelander's "I'm better" speech still hold up when we stack him against Omni-Man?
You simply can’t help but notice the similarities between two comic book characters: The Boys ’ Homelander and Invincible ’s Omni-Man. Not only do they share Superman's powers, but they also give us this messed-up version of a "Superman" character.
A Recent heated debate on Reddit brought up a peculiar question: who's the better-written character: Homelander or Omni-Man? Let's break down what the fans are saying and see if we can crown a winner.
Some fans made a really good point by stating that these characters serve different purposes in their stories. Homelander is a cynical take on superheroes, reflecting a world that's all too familiar to us.
On the other hand, Omni-Man, or Nolan Grayson as he's also known, seems to be on a path of redemption. The message behind the character is that love can conquer hate. But with only one season of Prime Video ’s Invincible out, it's hard to judge Omni-Man's full arc just yet.
Others commented on the distinct differences between the two, emphasizing that they're meant to achieve different things in their stories.
When it comes to the comics, some believe Omni-Man takes the cake. But if we're talking about the shows, Homelander seems to be the fan-favorite for now. However, the jury's still out on who'll come out on top by the end of their respective series.
We have to also take into consideration the fact that The Boys comic books have been blessed with a live-action TV adaptation, while Robert Kirkman’s Invincible was brought to life as an animated series.
If we are talking about simple physical supremacy, Omni-Man would probably destroy Homelander, based on what we’ve seen in their respective series. But it’s not just about who’s stronger.
Several fans praised Homelander for his complexity, especially in the third season of The Boys. They felt that watching him unravel was realistic and highlighted moments like his "I'm better" speech and the mirror scene, which showcased his insecurities and instability.
In comparison, Omni-Man hasn't had as much screen time, making it challenging to compare the two in terms of character development. It’s actually hard to decide which one is written better as they are different characters, serving different purposes, despite their likeness on the surface.
Source: Reddit