The Boys Will Kill Off Your Favorite Character in Season 4, And It’s Pretty Obvious Why

The Boys Will Kill Off Your Favorite Character in Season 4, And It’s Pretty Obvious Why
Image credit: Prime Video

She is powerful, but perhaps too powerful to survive Season 4.

There are only two episodes left until the finale of the fourth season of The Boys. It is obvious that soon the blood will flow like a river and the characters will make the most important decisions of their lives. But who will not make it to the final season?

The endlessly expanding Marvel universe of dozens of similar films parasitic on once original ideas, made viewers tired of flat, one-dimensional characters. There was a demand among viewers for alternative (anti-) heroes – vibrant and not boring.

The most striking response to this demand was The Boys, which knocked Superman and Captain America off their pedestals. Oddly enough, it was possible to breathe new life into superheroics simply by turning dull images on their heads.

But even among such a charismatic and colorful cast of The Boys characters, Victoria Neuman stands out – a strong and intelligent woman who plays by the rules of the world she grew up in and lives in. She has managed to forge her own bloody path in politics, eliminating threats with literal head explosions.

Neuman Will Probably Be Killed Off in Season 4

The Boys Will Kill Off Your Favorite Character in Season 4, And It’s Pretty Obvious Why - image 1

However, the character beloved by many fans will most likely not survive until the beginning of the fifth season, and there are a number of reasons for this.

We already know that the fifth season will be the final one, and most likely the creators will go back to the roots, but with higher stakes – it will be The Boys versus the Supes again, and specifically Homelander. To do that, the writers will have to clear the field and get rid of too strong players on the chessboard.

Some fans suspect that the fourth season will be Neuman's last.

“I think it's Newman as the season long villain I doubt they'll keep her sideplot running in season 5,” Reddit user FoodEater77 wrote.

So far, Neuman is probably the most powerful character in terms of both superpowers and political influence, and both The Boys and Homelander will definitely want to get rid of such a threat. Also, her game for two teams is bound to end badly at some point.

Also, the original character from the comics, Victor Newman, dies at the hands of Homelander. And while The Boys does not follow the comic's plot exactly, there is every reason to believe that Neuman's fate will be repeated on screen.

Do you think Victoria Neuman will survive Season 4?
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