The Handmaid's Tale: Gilead Made One Rookie Mistake That Ended Up Destroying It from Within

The Handmaid's Tale: Gilead Made One Rookie Mistake That Ended Up Destroying It from Within
Image credit: Hulu

There’s nothing more powerful than a union.

The Handmaid's Tale has captivated audiences by telling a horrific story of a dystopian world in a way that hits very close to home.

It's unlikely that we'll wake up in Gilead tomorrow, but the changes slowly being implemented by governments around the world may indicate a similar desire for control.

The Republic of Gilead, created by Margaret Atwood, is a military dictatorship that values nothing more than the life of a newborn child.

As one might imagine, the state takes complete control over the personal lives of its citizens, including gaining access to women's bodies and their reproductive rights.

While the grip that the military was able to take on the state was quite strong, the creation of the state was clearly rushed.

Like many real historical cases, the revolution behind the creation of Gilead was powerful and well-thought-out — just enough to overthrow the existing government, but not nearly structured enough to plan what exactly to do with so many women.

One of the biggest mistakes Gilead made because of this was to let the Handmaids communicate with each other from the beginning and to allow them to exist in a familiar environment.

The Handmaid's Tale: Gilead Made One Rookie Mistake That Ended Up Destroying It from Within - image 1

Of course, logistically, it would be almost impossible to separate each Handmaid and provide them with some sort of an individual cell. Scattering them all over the districts would also cause a lot of additional transportation costs.

The Gilead always tried to look more powerful than they really were, and it was the same with their resources.

In reality, they didn't have nearly enough money, manpower, or even time to work out the logistics and make sure there was no resistance. Later, when they finally did, it was too embarrassing to admit without undermining their own authority.

The Handmaid's Tale: Gilead Made One Rookie Mistake That Ended Up Destroying It from Within - image 2

The rebellion that was always coming Gilead’s way started to happen sooner than later, but it could’ve been delayed.

To see whether the state would be willing to admit their failures and take the needed measures, or let the system completely break down in season 6, make sure to keep an eye out for all The Handmaid’s Tale's news and updates.

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