The Handmaid's Tale's June Doesn't Deserve The Hard Time She's Still Getting From Fans

It's so easy to hate someone for their actions without considering the reasons that drive them.
The Handmaid's Tale is one of the most controversial shows on television today. The main plot of the series is so messed up that after almost every episode, viewers silently thank God for the fact that it is a made-up story.
The patriarchal and totalitarian world of Gilead is a place that turns perfectly normal people with no mental problems into insane creatures that are hard to even call human. They're made to go through so many obstacles in life that it's almost impossible to keep a clear mind and consciousness.
The main character of the show is June Osborne, known in Gilead as Offred. In the 5 seasons that the show has been running for now, we have seen her in every unimaginable life situation there can be.
Starting with the fact that she was separated from her husband and daughter and put into a crazy violent world where she was raped countless times by the Waterford family, and ending with many more horrible scenarios she went through during the show.
But even after seeing all that, it seems like many fans still think that she should have kept a clear mind and be able to only behave as a "good person". No betraying, no killing, no manipulating. But is it possible for someone like June?
"I find it so unfair the standard she's held to sometimes. This is a woman who was repeatedly beaten, tortured, raped , assaulted , and abused in every way imaginable for years. Her child was stolen from her and her country effectively destroyed. And people expect her to be level headed and make logical decisions?" Redditor 2RottenPapayas said.
There are more fans who are on June's side because they seem to really understand what she is going through. Just being separated from your family can be hard on your mind. But losing your child so many times while trying to stay alive is just something that can't go unnoticed.