TV Star Wars Disney+ The Mandalorian

The Mandalorian Brings in New Creature (It's Not As Cute as Grogu Though)

The Mandalorian Brings in New Creature (It's Not As Cute as Grogu Though)
Image credit: Disney+

The second episode of The Mandalorian Season 3 has exceeded all fan expectations.

We finally got to see Mandalore destroyed by the Imperials, watch the dynamic between Din Djarin and Bo-Katan Kryze, and once again melt over little plucky Grogu.

However, it was a small 10-second segment at the very end of the episode that had Star Wars fans most excited.

We saw the head of an alien creature beneath the mines of Sundari that could forever change the course of events not only of the series, but of the entire "Filoniverse" (and possibly Disney 's Star Wars as a whole).

Yes, it is a legendary creature called the mythosaur that we are talking about.

Mythosaurs first appeared in the 1977 Marvel Star Wars comic (only as a pile of bones, however), and the Expanded Universe has been filled with information about these legendary creatures ever since.

Nevertheless, neither in the Legends nor in the Canon do we ever see a live Mythosaur encountered by the characters.

According to both Legends and Canon, mythosaurs were the indigenous reptile-like creatures of Mandalore.

The ancient Mandalorians hunted them because the creatures symbolized the people's path to military power and domination.

The mythosaur skull emblem became the centerpiece of Mandalorian culture.

So, what does this mean for Bo-Katan and Din? Legend has it that whoever tamed the mythosaur had the absolute right to be called "Mand'alor", the sole leader of all Mandalorians.

Thus, not only a Darxaber can be the symbol of power, so is this beast as well. Is it possible that this is a foreshadowing of events to come?

"I have been expecting it since season 1 when kuiil mentioned it," Redditor HenryTheVeloster recalls how Mando's friend, Kuiil, while teaching the protagonist how to ride, reminded him of his ancestors riding mythosaurus.

The introduction of the iconic creature might mean a lot for a certain Baby Yoda.

Grogue's ability to telepathically subdue animals should not be overlooked as well. As long as the little green guy doesn't see the legendary creature as just a potential source of meat:

"Grogu: "How am I gonna eat that Dad," notsurehowtosaythis jokes.

Will Din Djarin become the great ruler of the entire Mandalorian Empire, or will he give way to Bo-Katan? Or perhaps only Grogu can tame the Mythosaur by taking possession of the Darksaber?

For now, we can only speculate, but the plot is clearly getting more and more intriguing.