The Mandalorian Surprised Everyone by Finally Delivering This Unexpected Character

Fans jumped out of their seats when they saw this long-awaited character in live action.
The latest episode of the third season of The Mandalorian brought Star Wars fans an unexpected but pleasant surprise, and the timing couldn't have been better.
Warning: Spoilers for The Mandalorian ahead.
Just three weeks ago, there was a discussion thread on Reddit wondering how Zeb, a Lasat rebel, one of the main characters of the animated series Star Wars Rebels, could appear on screen in live action.
Users assumed that his shape and movement would require some very complex CGI animation, or perhaps the creators would opt for a practical look, given how puppets and practical effects are commonplace in The Mandalorian.
And now, with the release of episode 5 of season 3, their questions have been answered. Fans jumped out of their seats when they saw a familiar-looking Lasat lounging in a bar at the Adelphi New Republic outpost.
And if they were not sure at first, the episode's credits confirmed that it was indeed the beloved ex-crew member of the Ghost.
And he looked fantastic, confirming that the CGI, makeup and prosthetics teams have been amazing this season.
Steve Blum, the character's voice actor, reprised his role for this cameo.
"Yeah! In the credits its mentioned to be Zeb. The second I saw him I thought it was crazy that they had a Lasan in live action, but then I heard Steve Blum and couldn't believe that Zeb of all characters would show up in live action," Reddit user DerpyTurtle01 said.
Many fans admit they lost their minds when they finally saw him outside of the cartoon.
They say it makes perfect sense for him to stay with the New Republic forces, since he already gave up a peaceful life to fight the Empire in the animated series.
Now they just want more Rebels characters to get the same treatment, with one of the most anticipated requests being Sabine Wren.
Considering that she is a Mandalorian, her appearance would fit perfectly into the show's narrative.
Ezra Bridger, another character from Star Wars Rebels, has already been confirmed to appear in the upcoming Ahsoka TV series and will be portrayed by Eman Esfandi.
Episode 6 of The Mandalorian season 3 is scheduled to be released on April 5, 2023.