The Office Fans Finally Picked Jim’s Absolute Best Prank on Dwight, and It’s Not What You Expect

That’s what they said!
Pranks have always been one of the favorite aspects of watching The Office, with many of them becoming iconic and living in fans’ hearts for years. In a heated discussion the most prominent members of the fandom speculated on the best Jim’s pranks on Dwight.
Their top, surprisingly, didn’t include the stapler in Jello or hilarious impersonating the colleague. Here are 5 of the most beloved pranks Jim ever performed on Dwight.
5. Fake Book - Season 8, Episode 4
Jim made a real effort on this one, as he wrote the whole book titled The Ultimate Guide to Throwing a Garden Party under the name of James Trickington and managed to sell the only copy of it to Dwight.
Then he made fun of the fact that the latter really followed the advice given in the book while hosting the Schrute Farms party, which included putting on ridiculous party costumes.
4. Asian Jim - Season 9, Episode 3
By hiring an Asian actor, portrayed by Randall Park, guest-starring in this episode, and preparing the right stuff, Jim made Dwight doubt what he looked like. This well-made prank involved putting the picture of the family, Pam and their kids that look identical to the fake Jim and, besides, Pam kissing the actor, so that Dwight went really wild.
3. Pavlov Experiment - Season 3, Episode 15
The episode starts off by Jim explaining that he's been training Dwight like Pavlov's dog over the past few weeks. This means that he trained his colleague the way that whenever Jim’s computer makes a certain noise, Dwight is offered a mint.
It resulted in the comical situation in which Dwight is holding out his hand while Jim is not offering him a treat, leaving the humiliated employee confused by his rare behavior.
2. Friursday - Season 2, Episode 8
One day Dwight arrives at work and hears Jim saying it’s Friday, when it is, in fact, Thursday. Thus, he is completely convinced that the next day is a day off, so he doesn’t initially understand what is wrong when on the real Friday he doesn’t show up at work. Luckily, he nails the prank and finally arrives at work, hours late, looking as bad as no one saw him ever before, and extremely angry at Jim.
1. Phone Filled With Nickels - Season 2, Episode 21
It’s not only the Internet’s most favorite Jim’s prank, but also the Pam actress, Jenna Fischer’s most beloved one, as she stated.
The point here is that Jim incrementally increased the weight of Dwight's phone handset, abruptly decreasing the weight one day, which caused Dwight hitting himself in the face with the phone, which became lighter.
Source: Reddit