The Office Meme Perfectly Sums Up LOTR In a Nutshell

Everyone has long since gotten used to the fact that the Internet is the place where the most unusual and unexpected crossovers are born.
This time, fans have quite unexpectedly brought together two of favorite universes for many: The Office and The Lord of the Rings.
Back at the time of the finale of The Fellowship of the Ring, Frodo was not the only one crying — pretty much everyone who watched was.
When Gandalf the Grey uttered the iconic phrase, "Fly, you fools," and plunged into the depths of the Mines of Moria with Balrog, our hearts broke, but one of the most popular memes of our time was born.
Today, the iconic Balrog scene is once again turned into a meme: this time, with the help of Dunder Mifflin employees. Here is a perfect recap of the first part of The Lord of the Rings in fifteen seconds brought to you by the paper company's best:
If you suddenly haven't seen The Lord of the Rings yet and don't have time for long movies, you can just watch this video and go on to the second movie.
Notice how the cringeworthy (in a good way) parkour scene from the Office just adds texture to Tolkien's plot...
After the release of episode 1 of season 6 of The Office, the scene where Andy happily flies into the boxes screaming "Parkour!" became no less popular than the "Fly , you fools" one.
Initially, it was an attempt by The Office to get in on the wave of popularity that parkour was experiencing at the time. Judging by the number of memes that the scene inspired, it was a successful attempt.
As Jim, the mastermind of the Dunder Mifflin pranks, explained to the heroes, the idea was to get from one point to another as inventively as possible (with the first point being a delusion and the second being a hospital).
Could you believe that one of the most cringeworthy scenes from The Office could convey Tolkien's masterpiece so well? And yet, here we are.