The Only Friends Storyline Fans Still Lose Sleep Over (Hint: It's About Food)

Everything's better with whipped cream on top, right?
- Friends is a sitcom, so the unrealistic plotlines are all over the show.
- Sometimes the writers would push the stories too far.
- The storyline with the English Truffle was exaggerated all too much, but fans still can’t stop discussing it.
Friends is one of many people's all time favorite shows, but even the diehard fans are annoyed with some of the many ridiculous storylines explored in the series.
For example, the “we were on a break” story was forced on us just for too much. And maybe during the first time we watched the show we laughed along with the laughing track each time it was mentioned on screen, but during all the rewatches we just rolled our eyes on that.
However, this storyline is actually one of the most popular ongoing gags of the show, so okay, maybe it can be approved. But there were many other stories that were also pushed too far.
The one with Rachel’s trifle, for example.
It was the time when Monica and Ross' parents were visiting, and Monica asked Rachel to help her in the kitchen. It was actually the first time that Monica really trusted her friend with something difficult to make, the English multi layered trifle.
Rachel was very nervous and didn't want to disappoint Monica, so she went over the recipe carefully to make sure she didn't miss any details. Little did she know that the magazine that contained the recipe was about to play a terrible joke on her.
It turned out that the pages of two different meals had been glued together, so that half of what Rachel created was a meat pie, and only half was actually the trifle.
After discovering that, all the guests decided they wanted to steer clear from a desert that has meat in it, but didn’t want to upset Rachel. So they just pretended they ate it and threw it away in different places.
Joey was the only person who actually liked the food and ate it with pleasure, causing the others to freak out. After many years, some fans actually began to question the story: was there really enough to freak out about?
Since the episode was released, many people all over the Internet had tried to make and eat the trifle, claiming that it was actually delicious and that mixing meat with cream and other sweet ingredients was okay. Some other fans, who never tried it, are also ready to experiment.
“I would have tried it for sure. Maybe she accidentally made a good dish,” Redditor TimeyWimeyInsaan said.
Well, we think that’s the right spirit! Are you in the mood for a culinary adventure, too?