The Real Reason Andy Samberg Left Cuckoo & Was Replaced With Twilight Star

Sometimes a cast change is just not right.
On the small and big screen, Andy Samberg has developed a certain acting persona. In most projects, he gets the roles of silly but charismatic men who just can't grow up.
Samberg's characters are problematic, sometimes even annoying, but always charming, as was his character in the comedy series Cuckoo, which ran from 2012 to 2019 and was largely overshadowed by Brooklyn Nine-Nine, which ran around the same time and also starred Andy Samberg.
Andy Samberg Left Cuckoo for Another Project
However, viewers could only enjoy Samberg's charisma in the first season – later, his character was replaced by Dale, played by Taylor Lautner (yes, Jacob from Twilight ).
The reason for Sanberg's departure from Cuckoo was simple – he had to choose between two projects. At the same time, Brooklyn Nine-Nine was being filmed, and the actor chose the hilarious police procedural. Although, looking back, it was definitely the right decision, Cuckoo fans were extremely unhappy at the time.
Taylor Lautner as Andy Samberg's Replacement Was a Poor Casting Choice
Many fans believe Taylor Lautner replacing Andy Samberg was a clear mistake by the casting director. The place of bursting with energy Samberg was taken by a calmer and not as charismatic Lautner, which turned many viewers away from Cuckoo.
Cuckoo was one of Lautner's few attempts to regain his former popularity after Twilight. It seemed that the actor would have the same success as his colleagues Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, but one wrong choice ruined everything.
In 2011, the movie Abduction was released with Lautner in the lead role, but it was a box office failure and damaged the actor's reputation. After that, he took a long break from full-length movies and still acts quite rarely.
What Was Cuckoo About?
The young student Rachel returns from a trip to Thailand with a lot of impressions and a husband – she was fascinated by an American, nicknamed Cuckoo, who has dedicated his life to the path to enlightenment.
Rachel's father, the hard-working Ken, is furious, but does not want to provoke his daughter into rash actions, so he tries to get along with Cuckoo as best he can. But Cuckoo turns out to be an extremely eccentric and unpredictable guy.