The Rings of Power Episode 7 Plot Hole Makes Fans Question Galadriel Once Again

Either it's a plot hole or Galadriel is no longer a "Mary Sue".
Episode 7 of The Rings of Power appears to have cast a shadow on Galadriel, who is believed to be an indisputable protagonist.
The episode has a scene when Galadriel finds Theo in the aftermath of a volcano explosion that devastated his home village. Everything, including the air, is red; the explosion has obviously affected pretty much everyone in the village.
However, Galadriel acts in a bizarre way: she just... leaves everyone to have a nice walk & chat with Theo in the woods?
"Does this mean she... left the other people in the village to their own demise while she and Theo take a stroll through the forest alone? Maybe I'm looking into it too much but that feels a bit unfriendly to do to the people of the village," Reddit user ScallionZestyclose16 argued.
Now fans don't seem to be blasting Galadriel for being too perfect.
"That's exactly what she did: she and Theo abandoned everyone in need, and even more strangely, his mother, just to walk in the woods on their own journey to the encampment. It's as if they are soulless and rather stupid people." – u/JustinScott47
Another Reddit fan joked that "the darkness of mount Doom doesn't only shadow the sunlight, but the heart of those who lost it." After all, it can be yet another indicator that Galadriel, just like some fan theories have jokingly claimed previously, is actually Sauron in some clever disguise.
This is not the first time the elven protagonist is grilled by fans. Earlier, they took issue with the way she fought a troll in the first episode, while others blasted the sword-fighting lesson scene that took place later in Numenor.
Galadriel was also labeled a "Mary Sue" at the beginning of the show, when fans felt that everything is all too easy for her, and she always remains graceful and benevolent no matter what.
Well, either The Rings of Power is on a mission to change that attitude, or fans just spotted a plot hole.
The show is streaming on Prime Video. Next Friday, October 14, the finale will be released.