The Rings of Power Fans Didn't Get to See a Pivotal Elrond & Durin Scene

One of the things which The Lords of the Rings: The Rings of Power left unexplained was Elrond getting his hands on a piece of mythril after all.
In the series, Prince Durin agrees to help his elf friend in digging for mythril, against the command of his father, King Durin III, who did not trust elves, and did not believe that the decree of fate, limiting their days in Middle-earth, should be contested.
However, Durin and Elrond' secret attempts appear to be fruitless: they get discovered just as they are about to reach the mysterious mythril vein, and Elrond is unceremoniously kicked out of Khazad-dûm.
We're left to assume that Prince Durin probably gave the small piece of mythril, which he had in his possession, to Elrond, at some point. But this is not shown on screen (and also puts the need to dig for more into question).
Yet it was supposed to be shown. As Owain Arthur, who played Prince Durin, said, a scene was filmed which closed this plot hole.
"We actually did shoot the scene where I hand it to him quickly without my father knowing, so that there is a glimmer of hope for Middle-earth," he explained in an interview with TVLine.
"I like that Durin still went against his father for his friend. He followed his heart [and] did what he thought he needed to do."
One has to wonder why that scene did not make the cut, given that it hardly could be long.
In any case, this is certainly not the last we've seen of Durin's heartwarming friendship with Elrond.
They are highly likely to meet again, according to Owain Arthur:
"We had a little bit of a tiff at the beginning, but that made us even stronger…. and we've recovered from that. The fact that Elrond is now banished from Khazad-dûm doesn't mean that I'm held captive in Khazad-dûm, so I think he will be able to go and see him at some point."
Well, that's as least something to look forward in future seasons of The Rings of Power.