Movies Harry Potter

The Weasleys vs. Common Sense: That Time Molly Almost Killed Harry Potter

The Weasleys vs. Common Sense: That Time Molly Almost Killed Harry Potter
Image credit: Warner Bros.

Seriously, we don't talk about it enough.

The movie Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets introduces us to more magical devices and tools that are routine to the wizarding world, but a total gimmick to someone raised by Muggles.

Floo powder is one of them. The Weasley family is obviously used to it, having their own fireplace connected to the Floo Network and using it to go shopping before a new year at Hogwarts. Harry, however, was the only person in the Chamber of Secrets who had never used the Floo Network.

But Molly Weasley, for some reason, decides that it would be a great idea to let him go... first.

Now, every Harry Potter fan knows that when you're using Floo powder, it's important to "speak clearly, take care to get out at the right grate, keep your elbows tucked in, shut your eyes, don't fidget and don't panic." Harry clearly screwed up the very first rule by mispronouncing Diagon Alley. Who would have thought that a Muggle-raised child would do such a thing, being the first to fly?

Harry was lucky that nothing bad happened to him, although he could have been in a lot of trouble after ending up in Knockturn Alley instead of Diagon Alley. Luckily, Hagrid was there to save him from a bunch of creepy people sneaking around, but what if he wasn't?

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However, many fans believe that it was all Harry's fault. After all, Molly warned him that he needed to speak "very, very clearly." Sounds fair enough, but what about literally everything that happened after that? Did no one really notice that Harry was not there?

"It's still crazy to me how indifferent Molly Weasley was to losing Harry after he used the floo powder [...] Why was she in line for a book and not looking for that child?" Twitter user GenericHandle98 wondered.

To be fair, the wizarding world has never been known for being overly protective of its youth. Floo powder accidents, underage participants in the Triwizard Tournament, Quidditch mishaps... who cares, right?