This Better Call Saul Casting Choice Was So Good It Got Fans Confused

This Better Call Saul Casting Choice Was So Good It Got Fans Confused
Image credit: AMC

Why is everyone obsessing over Kim Wexler's mom in Better Call Saul?

We've all had those moments watching TV when we spot a character that looks eerily familiar, making us question our own eyes. Better Call Saul, the critically acclaimed Breaking Bad prequel, gave its fans one such moment — that's precisely what happened with the casting of Kim Wexler's mom in the series.

For those who might need a refresher, Kim's relationship with her mom is, well, complicated. We get glimpses of their dynamic in flashbacks.

In one of the flashback scenes, a young Kim is caught shoplifting, and her mom, instead of reprimanding her, reveals she swiped the same earrings Kim tried to steal. That is when we find out that Kim's rule-bending tendencies might've been inherited from her mom.

Over on Reddit, fans have shared their opinion about how the show did a fantastic job casting Kim's mom. Some even admitted that at first glance, they thought it was Rhea Seehorn (who played Kim Wexler). The resemblance was uncanny.

This Better Call Saul Casting Choice Was So Good It Got Fans Confused - image 1

One user jokingly, but still correctly, pointed out that Kim's mom, young Kim, and Kim look like different versions of Rhea Seehorn. It's like looking at a younger and older Rhea at the same time. What an amazing casting.

For those who might not be in the know, Kim's mom is portrayed by the talented Beth Hoyt. She's known for her roles in Inside Amy Schumer, Dead To Me, and her work on the YouTube channel The Key of Awesome.

She even voiced a character in Marvel's What If...? animated series. But what's really remarkable is how she brought Kim's mom to life in Better Call Saul.

This Better Call Saul Casting Choice Was So Good It Got Fans Confused - image 2

Beth Hoyt's portrayal of Kim's mom was so spot-on that it was almost eerie. Not only did she look like her grown-up on-screen daughter (thanks to the fantastic casting), but her mannerisms, tone, and even the way she delivered her lines were reminiscent of Kim.

It was like watching Kim but in a different timeline. And this wasn't just about their looks. Hoyt captured the essence of Kim's character, making the flashback scenes even more impactful.

Did you also do a double-take when you first saw Kim's mom on screen?

Source: Reddit