This Big Bang Theory Spinoff Could Easily Fix the Show’s Biggest Mistake

This Big Bang Theory Spinoff Could Easily Fix the Show’s Biggest Mistake
Image credit: CBS

It’s never too late to save this character.


  • The Big Bang Theory was a CBS sitcom that followed four scientist friends and their new neighbor through their daily lives.
  • The show was extremely popular and already has a prequel, Young Sheldon, and another spinoff in the works on HBO.
  • Although details about the new spinoff are under wraps for now, some fans want to see it focus on Stuart.

One of the biggest assets of The Big Bang Theory that has kept viewers hooked from the very first episode to the finale is the show's characters. Firstly, there are a lot of them, and secondly, the actors portraying them have the perfect chemistry together, leaving no doubt in the viewer's mind that they are actually watching a group of friends.

Unfortunately, some of these characters were treated much better than others. Fans are still upset about the fate of Penny, who never really achieved her dream of becoming an actress, or Raj, whose efforts to find a mate came to nothing. But the saddest story of all is Stuart's.

Starting out as a great guy with a comic book store and enough confidence to ask Penny out, he was thrown into a spiraling depression with no way out. His character was completely unappreciated, even by people he thought were his friends. Stuart always deserved better, and the fandom knows how to right that wrong.

Who the Next The Big Bang Theory Spinoff Is Going to Be About?

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Although all details about the upcoming HBO spinoff of the series are being kept under wraps by the studio, and it has been called premature at this point, fans are still eager to come up with theories. Some suggest that if anyone from the show deserves a show of their own, it would be Raj, while others joke about a possible addition of Old Sheldon.

While the beauty of The Big Bang Theory was in the ensemble, the comeback of all 7 main actors is very unlikely. However, there is a solution that would have allowed the beloved characters to be brought in one at a time and from time to time as a treat for original fans.

The spinoff would have to focus on Stuart running his comic book shop with Denise and finally living his best life. Kevin Sussman's talent would definitely be enough to get viewers hooked on the character, and the workplace sitcom model has proven to draw in audiences when done right.

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Considering that The Big Bang Theory itself focuses on a group of friends and Young Sheldon follows the life of a family, the Stuarts' show, set as a workplace sitcom, would finally cover all the bases of the genre in one big franchise. If TBBT doesn't completely dominate the niche now, it definitely would if this show were to happen.

Unfortunately, there is no way to tell at this point what The Big Bang Theory executives have in store for viewers and how willing HBO would be to make another lighthearted sitcom. Keep an eye out for more news and updates to be the first to solve this mystery.

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