This Transformers Movie Grossed $836M, but Michael Bay Would Rather Watch Paint Dry

The Transformers franchise has never been a cinematic masterpiece, but this one installment turned out to be a big fat disaster.
Making movies is certainly a complex and intense process. Sometimes millions of dollars are spent on their production, the entire film crew spends months and sometimes years of their lives working on the final result.
And despite the fact that movies are (almost) always made with great love, there are situations when the director – the person who invested the most in this project – is extremely dissatisfied with the result.
Michael Bay Hates Revenge of the Fallen
The famous Hollywood director Michael Bay frankly does not like the sequel to Transformers, titled Revenge of the Fallen, which he has repeatedly stated in all his interviews:
“When I look back at it, that was crap. The writers’ strike was coming hard and fast. It was just terrible to do a movie where you’ve got to have a story in three weeks.”
Transformers Sequel Didn't Even Have a Finished Script
The original movie about robots from outer space was an excellent blockbuster that made a decent amount of money at the box office. Of course, the studio did not hesitate to start work on the second part.
However, the writers' strike which happened in 2007 made its own adjustments to the work of the film crew. According to Bay, they literally had three weeks to complete the final script, everything was done in a terrible hurry, and the script was not even half finished. Production on the second Transformers began when the director himself had only fourteen pages of original text.
In general, the creators of the movie Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen seem to have decided to follow the "harder, better. faster, stronger" principle and simply increase the variables from the successful formula of the first part. More robots, more special effects, more action, more destruction, more humor.
For example, if there were only 14 transformers in the original movie, there are 46 in the second installment. However, this principle did not benefit the movie – the sequel received mostly negative reviews and a score of only 20% on Rotten Tomatoes.
However, this did not prevent the film from surpassing the original in box office receipts in just a few weeks, and Revenge of the Fallen has grossed an impressive $836 million.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter