Top-10 Marvel's Strongest Mutants, Ranked

Over the years, Marvel has had hundreds of mutants featured in movies, series, and comics. We've picked the ten strongest ones and ranked them — let's see who wins.
It's hard to wrap your head around the sheer number of heroes and villains in all the various Marvel universes: there are hundreds, if not thousands of them.
The vast majority are, of course, mutants with various abilities and gifts — but after decades of additions, it seems impossible to figure out who's the strongest of them all.
It seems impossible, but it isn't. We went through the list of Marvel mutants and ranked the top 10 based on how powerful they are — let us know if you agree or not.
10. Namor
While Namor's powers are at their peak when he's in water, he's still a force to be reckoned with even on land.
Namor's super-strength is overwhelming, and he managed to seriously mess up Marvel's most dominant strongmen, including even Hulk. Definitely not the guy you want to joke around with — especially underwater.
9. Rogue
Rogue is a literal powerhouse, and the good guys are lucky to have her on their side. Rogue's primary ability is absorbing and using other mutants' powers, and while she typically only maintains them briefly, she can also adopt them fully.
She's done just that with Captain Marvel and Wonder Man which made her near-invincible.
8. Apocalypse
Apocalypse is a terror to behold, being the first mutant ever — and an immortal, too.
He controls every molecule in his body, allowing him to shapeshift, heal from any wound or disease, survive any environment, project and absorb energy, and even literally communicate with technologies.
Too bad he's on the other side of the law.
7. Kid Omega
Kid Omega's telepathic powers have seemingly no limits. He's capable of controlling minds from single individuals and masses, protecting his own consciousness against any type of psychic manipulations, and even existing as pure consciousness himself which we saw after his body was destroyed. He was a maniac, after all.
6. Professor X
Another powerful telepath, Professor X is the strongest and most brilliant mind on the planet. His abilities are near-endless, and it's a great thing that he keeps them at bay and always tries to do the right thing.
After all, he's literally capable of wiping out every single other mutant on the planet, and that's a terrifying level of power.
5. Jean Grey
Yet one more overpowered psychic enters the chat. Jean Grey's telepathic abilities at a young age frightened even Professor X who suppressed them at first to avoid terrible consequences.
Young Jean could literally transform herself into psychokinetic energy, and after she merged with the Phoenix force, she became unstoppable.
4. Franklin Richards
The child of Invisible Woman and Mr. Fantastic, Franklin might just become the most powerful mutant the world has ever seen.
Even at a young age, he can bend reality to his will, creating anything he wishes to and changing the world with his thoughts — but apart from that, Franklin can even create his own pocket universes.
3. Scarlet Witch
Scarlet Witch is immensely powerful and considered the strongest mutant by many (even though we can't be certain she is a mutant at all).
The entire Earth-616 is her playground as the Witch's unmatched Chaos Magic skills allow her to transform reality. She has a whole catalog of battle abilities which makes her a tough foe.
2. Legion
Legion is Professor X's son, and it's only predictable that his powers would overcome his father's. Admittedly, Legion's powers have no limits and can take any shape he can think of.
Until now, his many personalities all housed in one body have shown virtually every power you could think of — and he keeps developing new ones.
1. Onslaught
Onslaught is not a person but rather a terrifying sentient being that came to exist as a result of Charles Xavier and Magneto's minds colliding.
Whatever process the two mutants began resulted in Onslaught's creation, and it's a truly regretful event.
Onslaught has single-handedly obliterated a huge group of superheroes with no effort, and while he's gone now, everyone fears he might return.