
Top 5 Actors Who Destroyed Their Careers With Just One Role

Top 5 Actors Who Destroyed Their Careers With Just One Role
Image credit: Legion-Media

One role can make or break a career. Some actors have managed to bounce back from a flop, but for others, one bad choice can be the end of the road.

Here are examples of stars who made the wrong choices and it affected their lives.

Jaden Smith (and his dad, too)

Jaden Smith's performance in After Earth was widely panned by critics and audiences alike.

The movie was a total failure and has been cited as the reason for the boy's lack of success in Hollywood.

Despite his father's superstar status, the now popular rapper has struggled to find Hollywood work in the years since After Earth was released, but we guess he doesn't need it anymore.

Taylor Kitsch

John Carter was supposed to be a huge blockbuster for the actor, but it turned out to be a huge flop. The film was a disaster for Disney and has been blamed for Kitsch's decline in popularity.

After such a mess, the actor could only claim small roles, although he managed to play in the True Detective series, but the movie doors are rarely open.

John Travolta

Travolta's performance in Battlefield Earth has been described as one of the worst in movie history. The film was a box office bomb and a critical disaster that led to the actor's downfall.

Once the Pulp Fiction star ceased to be considered a top-class performer and even won 2 Golden Raspberries in one year, and then his career quickly ended, Travolta was destined to become an actor of average projects.

Halle Berry

007 Bond's girl and an Oscar winner, but this adapted comic book movie destroyed her successful career. Of course, we're talking about Catwoman, where Berry's performance was blown to smithereens.

The film was not only a failure, but a fading of a once shining Hollywood star. Despite her early recognition, she struggled to find decent work.

Hayden Christensen

Anakin's performance in the prequel trilogy was fodder for jokes and hatred. The films were commercial successes, but Christensen's portrayal of the Chosen One was considered wooden and unconvincing.

However, it has to be admitted that George Lucas' films about a Galaxy Far, Far Away buried the career of more than just one actor.