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Top 5 Most Unhinged Things The Big Bang Theory's Sheldon Cooper Ever Did, According To Reddit

Top 5 Most Unhinged Things The Big Bang Theory's Sheldon Cooper Ever Did, According To Reddit
Image credit: CBS

He bazinga’d the hell out of his friends.

Let's face it, The Big Bang Theory has never been a show that you could look to for examples of perfect relationships or friendships, even if such things existed. The show tells the stories of flawed young adults trying to navigate their lives while having fun.

However, some of the things these characters do and say are so outrageously rude and even offensive that viewers just can't let them go. And as the well-known online moral police, Redditors couldn't stop themselves from listing Sheldon Cooper's worst crimes.

Here are the top 5 things Sheldon has done to his friends that wouldn't be so easily forgotten in real life.

Letting a Homeless Man Take His Room

Being the germaphobe that he is, it is insane to think that Sheldon would ever let a homeless man take over his room. However, his ego spoke louder than common sense, and to prove a point to Leonard, he willingly put him in danger. Not only was it crazy, it was borderline illegal.

Getting Back To Work With Military

Top 5 Most Unhinged Things The Big Bang Theory's Sheldon Cooper Ever Did, According To Reddit - image 1

Even though Howard and Leonard were out of the project, Sheldon went ahead with the plan behind their backs. His own ambition overpowered any friendly feelings he had for either of them, as is often the case. It was also completely against the ethics of the scientific community since the idea belonged to Howard and was based on Leonard's theory.

Making Leonard Wear That Sweater

Pursuing your interest in a career field is one thing, but torturing your friend and roommate for sadistic pleasure? There is no other explanation for why Sheldon would want to put Leonard in that horribly itchy sweater when the original problem was solved years ago. It's just the kind of person he is.

Crushing Insects Into Leonard’s Food

If you had any doubts about Sheldon's personal hatred for Leonard, the fact that he also forcibly fed him insects for months on end should dispel them once and for all. The fact that he did it again, after just finding out how angry the thought of it made Leonard, just goes to show how little he cares.

Insulting Penny For Being Pregnant

Unfortunately, in the finale of the series, Sheldon again shows some terrible behavior, this time insulting not only Leonard but also Penny – for getting pregnant. It was quite heartbreaking to watch, and even though he realized he was wrong with Amy's help, it's not like his hurtful words can be taken back.

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