Top 8 Best Harry Potter Quotes for Best Man's Speech at Your Potterhead Friend's Wedding

When your Potterhead best friend is getting married, you may become too stressed out to pick the proper HP quote for your best man's speech — but we've got you.
Potterheads are a massive army but definitely not the most sneaky one: if your friend is a Potterhead, you've likely learned it in the first five minutes after you first met.
This has given you plenty of time to prepare your best man's speech, but in case you now find yourself standing at their wedding lost for words, just follow our tutorial.
Start the speech
You need to begin strong and confident and make sure everyone understands exactly what kind of ride they're now up for.
For this, nothing will work better than the trusty old incantation to use the Marauders Map: "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good!"
Roast the groom
Every best man's most important job is to roast the groom, and you don't want to fail this quest.
While using some personal experience is a must here, you should totally adapt Fleur Delacour's quote for your needs and put in something like:"Luckily, much like Fleur Delacour, the bride is good-looking enough for the both of them."
Why, if you're feeling extra cheeky and are not afraid of the older guests' wrath, George Weasley has a perfect quote you could use, too: "Size is no indicator of power."
Address the marriage
Every proper speech must have a funny part, but then it should be followed by the "let's have everyone here in tears" bit. For that, we'll talk about the beautiful nature of the marriage at hand.
First, quote Albus Dumbledore to signal that you're going for the serious bit now: "Today we celebrate the oldest and one of the most powerful magics of all: love."
Second, use the Headmaster's wise words again to inspire the couple to stand strong against any trouble that might find their marriage: "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."
Third, remind them of the importance of always being there for each other — guess what, we're using yet another Dumbledore quote for this: "We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided."
Finish the speech
By this point, every Potterhead in the audience is happy with your speech, including the bride and the groom. When you feel like you're done talking, wrap it up in the true Harry Potter fashion.
If you're not tired of relying on Albus Dumbledore, he's got the best closure:
"Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"
But if you think no one's forgotten the very beginning of your speech, you can instead graciously indicate that you're done and happy with your own performance.
Simply bow and say: "Mischief managed!"
Now you're pretty much all set for this wedding.
Should you recall any other funny or relatable quotes mid-speech, don't be afraid to throw them in there; after all, you've already turned it into one massive Harry Potter reference so it won't hurt.
And if you still have time, use this Reddit thread for inspiration — that's what we did.
Source: Reddit