Twilight Movies Never Told Us the Devastating Backstory of Marcus Volturi

We almost feel for him, if he wasn't one of the saga's villains.
If you never read the Twilight books but enjoy occasionally binging the movies every fall, then you certainly remember Marcus Volturi — probably the most depressed and apathetic member of the Italian vampire clan.
In Breaking Dawn: Part 2, when he is ripped apart in Alice's vision of the final battle between the Cullen allies and the Volturi, Marcus seems happy about finally meeting his demise. Seriously, what could be SO wrong with the guy to be this depressed?
Well, it becomes way more understandable once you learn his backstory, which was never a part of the movies.
Marcus started off strong as a talented vampire in the Volturi clan; being Aro's brother-in-law, he was also his most trusted companion in establishing the Volturi reign in the vampire world... until he met someone.
Didyme was the younger sister of Aro, whom the Volturi leader brought into the clan when she was old enough to be transformed. Aro hoped her vampire gift would be of use to the clan; however, Didyme was only capable of making others feel happy: a very wholesome power to have when you're a Cullen, but pretty pointless for a Volturi.
Still, Aro left her by his side; only for her and Marcus to fall in love so hard they quickly lost interest in supporting Aro's domination in the vampire world. Marcus and Didyme even dared to start planning their life away from the coven — to Aro's great discontent.
The said discontent was so great that the Volturi leader quietly killed Didyme during a battle with another coven so that Marcus would stay with the Volturi.
He did stay, but ever since then, Marcus lost all interest in life, let alone in the Volturi affairs, so Aro had to use Chelsea's gift to manipulate relationships and artificially tie his brother-in-law to the clan.
Still, Marcus has never gotten over the loss of his mate; moreover, his own gift of relationship identification probably makes it even more painful every time he senses a close bond between others.
The most tragic part in all this? To these days, Marcus has no idea that it was Aro who killed his mate.
Now try and rewatch that scene with Marcus' death in Breaking Dawn: Part 2 — will you ever be able to not think about the Volturi tragedy we were robbed of?