TV Supernatural Bridgerton The Vampire Diaries

Vampire Diaries Plot Hole That Makes Us Wonder 'What Were They Thinking?'

Vampire Diaries Plot Hole That Makes Us Wonder 'What Were They Thinking?'
Image credit: Legion-Media

The Vampire Diaries is undoubtedly one of the most popular shows in the recent decade and it has garnered millions of fans around the globe.

That said, the supernatural teen drama has had its fair share of plot holes over the years and despite the show having concluded back in 2017, there is one plot hole that still makes us wonder what the show's writers were thinking when they came up with it.

From Katherine Pierce body snatching Elena to how the cure works, the list could go on when it comes to TVD plot holes. However, one thing that has left the viewers scratching their heads is how the compulsion works, as the show's history with it has been confusing, to say the least.

To start off, let's talk about what compulsion is.

Compulsion is the vampires' infamous ability to control the mind of a person by simply using eye contact. When compelled, the person follows the instructions of the vampire who compelled them. This can be used to make someone develop new skills, forget a certain experience and even completely alter someone's personality.

As we've been shown throughout the seasons, the compulsion lifts under a number of different circumstances. For instance, if a human who has been compelled before dies and transitions into a vampire, they'll remember everything they were compelled to forget. And if a vampire takes the cure and becomes human, anyone who was compelled by them also remembers everything. Sounds simple enough, right?

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Well, there appears to have been an exception with Katherine Pierce. When she took the cure and turned human, everyone was under the impression that all compulsions she had performed during her time as a vampire should be removed. After all, she did compel entire towns. Yet when Stefan turned human, he didn't have the same luck and everyone he had ever compelled came out of the woodwork.

All of this might have an easy explanation but writers haven't shared any with the audience so far. This has left fans convinced it's just another plot hole they came up with to cause drama.

Their theory about the potential reason behind this is that the writers wanted to convey to us that Stefan wasn't a good guy by any means possible, ignoring any potential plot holes that resulted from this.

Some fans also add that it seems like there's no consistency, with writers sticking to the rules when it's convenient for them.