Virgin River Mel's Biggest Flaw? She Doesn't Have Any At All

Virgin River Mel's Biggest Flaw? She Doesn't Have Any At All
Image credit: Netflix

A single worst thing any character may be.


  • Virgin River is a Netflix TV drama series based on the novels of the same name by Robyn Carr.
  • The story follows Mel Monroe (Alexandra Breckenridge), who leaves her life behind to start over in the small town of Virgin River.
  • Many viewers feel that Mel's underdeveloped personality makes her unsuitable for the lead role.

Virgin River is one of those shows that gets a lot of very different reviews, ranging from "the greatest show out there right now" to "nonsensical soapy drama." And while there's nothing necessarily wrong with soap operas and dramas, fans of the show tend to take the reviews to heart.

One theory as to why the reviews are so different lies in viewers' perceptions of what makes good television. While some are looking for thrills to add to their own mundane lives, others are looking for something soothing enough to relax on the couch after a long day at work. Both desires are equally valid.

But only one of them could be fulfilled by watching Virgin River. And part of that is thanks to the main character, who seems to give the audience a whole lot of... nothing.

Why Is Virgin River’s Mel So Boring?

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A TV character can do many things to get the viewer's attention. They can be funny and brilliant, carefree and naive, charismatic and intelligent - all of these qualities make for a great protagonist that the audience wants to follow and root for. But that's not the only way to make a character interesting.

People also tend to side with the antihero if the antagonist has a charm of his own. A darker backstory with some tragedy in the past, a charming demeanor, and ambitions that go far beyond the rest of the characters are usually the traits that make viewers fall in love with them.

Melinda Monroe, however, doesn't seem to have any of these qualities. She is pure good without any additional flaws and layers, and as much as Alexandra Breckenridge tries to portray her, while there is nothing in the writing to use to her advantage, the character becomes the only worst thing she can be. Boring.

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If she's supposed to be the character the audience can relate to and see themselves as, it doesn't work because the purity of her intentions and the goodness of her heart are unrealistically inflated. Her behavior in the whole situation with Charmaine brings her to an almost saintly level that no other person could possibly reach.

Unfortunately, there is very little chance for Virgin River to change the way they portray Mel now, as it has already been 5 seasons of the series. However, if you don't mind the slower pace and still feel some sort of connection to Melinda and her story, you can go ahead and stream Virgin River on Netflix.

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