Where Was American Horror Story Filmed? Here Are 5 Locations You Can Visit in Real Life

Who says tourism can’t be creepy?
Fans of the spine-tingling series American Horror Story have been treated to a great variety of chilling settings throughout the seasons. But did you know that many of these iconic locations exist in the real world?
Here's a quick lowdown on some of AHS filming locations that you can actually visit.
Rosenheim Mansion (Season 1)
The spooky mansion we saw in the first season is called the Rosenheim mansion. Located in LA at 1120 Westchester Place, this architectural masterpiece was brought to life by Alfred F. Rosenheim in 1908.
Los Angeles even recognized its beauty and historical value by making it a Cultural Monument in 1999.
Orange County Courthouse (Season 2)
Thought that eerie mental asylum from season 2 was a set? Nope. It's actually the Orange County Courthouse, standing proudly at 211 W Santa Ana Blvd in Santa Ana since 1901.
Though they added an extra floor and tweaked the gables a bit for the show, it's still unmistakably the Asylum. Fancy a visit? You can peek inside on weekdays between 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.
James Oviatt Building (Season 5)
The ominous Hotel Cortez of season five in reality is the James Oviatt Building, based in LA. While the interior scenes were shot on a soundstage, the actual building was used for exterior shots.
Fun fact: it was a posh haberdashery back in the 1920s and later became the Cicada Restaurant.
Buckner Mansion (Season 3)
Season three took us to Miss Robichaux’s Academy in New Orleans, where dark magic, mystery, and horror unfolded. The real-life backdrop is a grand mansion in New Orleans' Garden District.
Built in 1856, this stunning house first belonged to Harry Sullivan Buckner. Later, it became the Soule Business School till 1983.
Sepulveda Dam (Season 8)
Remember that intense scene from AHS Apocalypse where Cordelia and the coven face off against a trio of treacherous warlocks?
Filmed at Sepulveda Dam, located at 15758 Burbank Blvd, Van Nuys, CA, this dam isn't just an AHS favorite. Movies like Iron Man 2, Escape From New York, The Italian Job, and many others were shot here too. Though you can explore the basin, the top's off-limits.