Which Game of Thrones House Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

Seriously, who hasn't thought about living in Westeros and being part of one of those iconic houses? Or, at the very least, wondered just how long they'd be able to survive there?
Whether you're a fierce lion of Lannister or a resilient rose of Tyrell, let's see which GoT house your Sun sign lands you in.
Aries (March 21 – April 19) – House Stark
The headstrong Aries, valiant, fearless, and a bit on the impulsive side – sound familiar? This Sun sign is a perfect match for House Stark, the noble family from Winterfell. The Starks are known for their loyalty and their sense of honor. Remember when Ned Stark became the Hand of the King and tried to bring justice to King's Landing? Or when Robb Stark led a rebellion against the Lannisters? Both had that fiery Aries spirit. And, of course, there's also Arya Stark, who made her way through her "to-kill" list with pure Aries determination.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20) – House Arryn
Steadfast, reliable, and a lover of luxury. Sounds like a Taurus to me! House Arryn of the Vale, with its lofty Eyrie, is the perfect fit. The Eyrie is basically the penthouse suite of Westeros – perfect for a luxury-loving Taurus. House Arryn is also known for its strong defensive position, making it almost impregnable to enemies. This is very Taurus-like, as they're known to be resistant to change and incredibly stubborn. Lysa Arryn's protective nature over her son Robin mirrors the Taurus trait of being overprotective at times.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20) – House Frey
Geminis, you guys are known for your dual nature, adaptability, and a certain... unpredictability. Which house could that be? House Frey, obviously. The notorious Walder Frey and his brood may not be the most beloved in Westeros, but they sure know how to adapt. Recall the Red Wedding? When they switched alliances and shocked everyone with a massacre? Classic Gemini move. Their ability to play both sides and always land on their feet screams Gemini vibes.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22) – House Tully
Cancers, the nurturers of the zodiac, would be right at home in House Tully. Family, duty, and honor – that's the House Tully motto. House Tully of Riverrun is all about family ties and the lengths they'll go to protect their own. Think about Catelyn Stark (born a Tully) and her fierce protection of her children. Or Edmure Tully, who, despite his flaws, did what he believed was best for his family and people. Just like Cancers, the Tullys are deeply emotional, and they wear their hearts on their sleeves.
Leo (July 23 – August 22) – House Lannister
Known for being regal, confident, and a tad showy, the House Lannister of Casterly Rock is any Leo's perfect match. With gold mines galore, they're the wealthiest house in Westeros, which perfectly complements a Leo's love for the finer things in life. Remember Tywin Lannister, the strategic mastermind who played the game like a grandmaster chess player? Or the cunning and quick-witted Tyrion? And, of course, there's Cersei, who just radiated Leo energy when she took control of the Seven Kingdoms.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22) – House Tyrell
Detail-oriented, practical, and reliable, Virgos are the backbone of every operation. House Tyrell of Highgarden is a great fit. Known as the breadbasket of Westeros, the Tyrells are all about careful planning and strategy. Margaery Tyrell, with her meticulous plots to become the queen, and Olenna Tyrell, with her sharp mind and even sharper tongue, are perfect examples.
Libra (September 23 – October 22) – House Martell
Libras, known for their balance and fairness, are most like House Martell of Sunspear. Located in the warm climes of Dorne, the Martells are passionate, warm-hearted, and believe in equal rights for all. Oberyn Martell, with his quest to avenge his sister's death, and his fierce daughter, the Sand Snakes, show the Libra trait of seeking justice. Dorne's chill way of seeing love and relationships is just like how Libras think. They both believe in fairness and being open-minded.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) – House Bolton
Scorpios, this might sting a bit, but you're known for being intense, determined, and sometimes a bit dark. Enter House Bolton of the Dreadfort. Remember Roose Bolton, who played the game with cold precision? And his son Ramsay, who... well, let's just say he had some deep-seated issues? Their banner, a flayed man, is a nod to the Scorpio's association with themes of transformation and rebirth. It's not all bad though. The Boltons' cunning and strategic minds are qualities Scorpios know all too well.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) – House Dothraki
Sagittarians, wanderlust runs in your veins, and you're all about adventure and exploration. The nomadic horse lords of the Dothraki Sea are your spiritual tribe. Khal Drogo, with his fearless leadership and zest for conquering new lands, embodies the Sagittarius spirit. Their open plains lifestyle, chasing horizons, and a culture rich in rituals and traditions – like the sacred city of Vaes Dothrak – are straight up Sag vibes.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) – House Baratheon
Capricorns, with your discipline, practicality, and ambition, House Baratheon is calling your name. Stannis Baratheon, with his unwavering sense of duty and determination to claim the Iron Throne, is pure Capricorn energy. And then there's Robert Baratheon, whose ambition led him to seize the throne from the Targaryens. Their house words, "Ours is the Fury," perfectly capture the Capricorn's intense drive and determination.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) – House Greyjoy
Innovative, independent, and a bit rebellious – Aquarius, you've got House Greyjoy written all over you. The seafaring people of the Iron Islands are as unique and free-spirited as they come. Yara Greyjoy, with her revolutionary ideas about leadership and equality, and Theon, with his complicated journey of self-discovery, showcase the Aquarian spirit. Their motto, "We Do Not Sow," speaks to their independence and refusal to play by anyone else's rules.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20) – House Tarth
Dreamy, sensitive, and a bit mysterious – Pisces, House Tarth is your Westerosi home. Located on the Isle of Tarth, they're surrounded by the shimmering blue waters, which aligns with the Pisces' water sign nature. Brienne of Tarth, with her unwavering loyalty and dedication to her oaths, is the embodiment of Piscean values. Her emotional connection with Jaime Lannister and her quest to uphold her promises showcases the Piscean depth of feeling and intuition.