Which Harry Potter House is the Dumbest, According to Reddit

The most frequently debated topic in the Harry Potter franchise is the houses. There are an endless array of surveys and quizzes to determine what house you fall under. There is also more information about the houses than any other aspect of the wizarding world.
Reddit is extra vocal on the matter, with Potterheads debating which is the best, which is the worst and why. Redditors may not see eye to eye on which house is the best of the four – but they sure as heck do when it comes to which one is the dumbest!
The Qualities of the Other Three
Gryffindor is the house that symbolizes bravery, courage, and compassion. They are the ones depicted fighting for the betterment of their house, their school, and wizards far and wide. This may be fuelled by the fact that the franchise's big three protagonists are all grouped under this house. Possibly, but users have shared an overwhelmingly consistent set of responses to the question. The consensus on Reddit is that Gryffindor is the "perfect medley" of the best traits. They cannot be defined as easily as the other houses. Even down to the visuals, Gryffindor remains neutral but always comes to the surface when duty calls.
Slytherin possesses the traits of resourcefulness, ambition, determination, and cleverness. Being clever, or better phrased, cunning is the defining factor of the house for many. They use their cleverness to get in and out of situations with relative ease. Users have noted that members utilize their traits when harnessing their powers, which is why a lot of powerful wizards are produced from that house. A misconception that all Slytherins are inherently ill-willed is false. Though a lot is quite selfish, the reason for their demeanours boils down to their hunger for success. Redditors surprisingly defend the house noting that they have the work ethic of those we would group in the upper one percent – the Steve Jobs type of characters. Maybe not as revolutionary, but just as dedicated to touching greatness.
The wisest of the houses is Ravenclaw. There are seldom people that try to argue with this sentiment. They have inherent intelligence and a never-ending thirst for knowledge. Members of Harry Potter threads identify those as their most central values. They come across as the most reserved, they perform exceptionally well in the classroom. Their lust for wisdom allows them to analyze a situation on a larger scale, rather than fuss about the details (though with their intelligence, they pick up on those too). A negative note on Ravenclaws is that they are known to backstab each other in an academic environment to achieve top marks. Many Reddit community members have echoed this point citing it as their Achilles heel. Redditors refer to it as so because revenge and envy directly conflict with the values they seek to obtain in their pursuit of wisdom.
The Party We All Expected
Yes, it's Hufflepuff. They are the group Reddit has referred to as inclusive, yet rarely shining beyond that. They are a house of high emotional intelligence, a trait that is lacking in all others (even Gryffindor). Users have praised emotional intelligence as a moral compass, which some attribute to levels of wisdom sought after by the Ravenclaws. However, that is where the internet stops being so nice. Thread after thread remarks how Hufflepuff is the only house to take anybody and everybody. Many users say that the leftovers and screw-ups are destined to reside there. With unfavourable opinions across the board, people love to note how they have virtually no success in Quidditch, are academically average, and are too compassionate to put up a strong fight – basically the happy, dumb teddy bears that are fun to play with and give a hug.
Some Things are as They Seem
Today is not your day for those expecting a revelation or something unheard of in the Harry Potter community. Reddit consists of years of discussion and development, and these threads in a particular band together to defend the beliefs they have developed within their digital communities.
The conclusion that Hufflepuff is the "dumb" house may not surprise a whole lot of you. Having been the subject of scrutiny since the first book was released, the future looks bleak for those hoping for the public attitude toward the house to change. That being said, it may not be that bad.
Hufflepuffs may never hoist a Quidditch trophy or save the world from impending doom, but they achieve the most human of triumphs. They develop and maintain the closest bonds with family, friends, and colleagues. They always greet you with a warm welcome in almost every circumstance. They radiate compassion that attracts people wherever they go. So despite being rated the dumbest house on Reddit, a lot of users say there are benefits only a Hufflepuff can experience.