Who Dies in 'Obi-Wan Kenobi' Season Premiere?

Disney + just released the first two episodes of its hotly anticipated Star Wars show, and it looks like one of the major characters has already been killed off. Or was he?
The main villain of Obi-Wan Kenobi was thought to be the Grand Inquisitor himself (Rupert Friend), so fans were shocked when the sinister bad guy was stabbed with a lightsaber by his own right-hand, Reva Sevander (Moses Ingram ). At the end of the second episode, Reva, gripped by greed and lust for power, kills the Grand Inquisitor, allowing Kenobi (Ewan McGregor ) and Leia (Vivien Lira Blair) to escape from the cargo port on Daiya.
The idea of focusing on a new villain instead of an old one (the Grand Inquisitor was the main villain of 2014's 'Star Wars Rebels') is quite refreshing and curious, but the decision to kill off Friend's character is still problematic, as it completely retcons 'Rebels' story, which takes place 4 years after the Disney+ series. Thus, this retcon allowed fans to speculate about whether the Grand Inquisitor is really dead, or if his death was just a hoax to hype the audience up.
So, fans are trying to determine how the Grand Inquisitor could return four years later, developing some curious theories to explain this poorly written retcon.