Why Did Problem Child's Main Stars Leave The Hollywood?

Both actors decided to quit acting, but for completely different reasons.
The comedy Problem Child was released in 1990. At the time, critics didn’t appreciate the idea of a red-headed boy who terrorized the neighborhood with his hooligan antics, although audiences loved it.
So a sequel was made – Problem Child 2 – and more than a generation of viewers grew up with it.
Unfortunately, the role of Trixie in Problem Child 2 remained the only popular one for the actress Ivyann Schwan. In her filmography, in addition to Problem Child, there are roles in the movie, and then the television series Parenthood, in which she played Patty for two years.
After graduating from school, Ivyann changed many professions, but she did best in the modeling business and music, with which her life is connected to this day. The actress continues to act, but now only in commercials.
Michael Oliver, who played Junior, also unfortunately ended his career, but his story is much more scandalous.
Michael was only 9 years old at the time of filming. A kid with freckles and a malicious smile is still remembered by many. He was perfect for the role of the very disturbed offspring, who was constantly plotting and scheming to make fun of his parents and all the people around him.
After Problem Child Michael Oliver acted in movies for some time, but soon his acting career came to a standstill.
His mother blackmailed the producers and demanded to increase the salary of the young talent, which they did. However, after the shooting was over, the producers sued and demanded the entire amount back. As a result, the family lost their home, was deeply in debt, and lived with friends for some time.
After the actor participated in several TV shows, he starred in another movie Dillinger and Capone in 1995 and said goodbye to the cinema.
He tried himself in the musical field, but the group he created lasted a year. Then Michael found a job far away from publicity, which, by his personal admission, is incredibly happy. He got a job as a technician for two musical groups The Samples and Nural.