House of the Dragon Finally Explained A Game of Thrones Plot Hole
Aaren Gimenez
House of the Dragon Finally Explained A Game of Thrones Plot Hole
If you're a fan of Game of Thrones, you probably remember all those discussions about the Prince That Was Promised, the fabled hero supposed to save the world from destruction.
No Chill For the Wicked: 5 Ways Night King's Army Would've Conquered Essos
Dean Black
No Chill For the Wicked: 5 Ways Night King's Army Would've Conquered Essos
The one thing that stopped the Night King's march to the south was a girl with a dagger — granted that a girl was a trained assassin and the dagger was magical.
Daemon and Rhaenyra Wedding Was a Lot More Disturbing Than You Thought
Virginia Singh
Daemon and Rhaenyra Wedding Was a Lot More Disturbing Than You Thought
A beautiful moment for some definitely traumatized others.
Alicent Hightower Deserves Better: Fans Are Convinced HOTD Show Did Her Dirty
Virginia Singh
Alicent Hightower Deserves Better: Fans Are Convinced HOTD Show Did Her Dirty
What else would you expect from a teen mom, whose sole purpose was to birth more children?
Fans Are Desperately Trying To Crack the Secret Of Daemon's Targaryen Sex Appeal
Virginia Singh
Fans Are Desperately Trying To Crack the Secret Of Daemon's Targaryen Sex Appeal
To say Matt Smith has nothing to do with it would be a complete lie.
The Best Part of Game of Thrones Wasn't Even George R.R. Martin's Idea
Aaren Gimenez
The Best Part of Game of Thrones Wasn't Even George R.R. Martin's Idea
Dragons are not just key plot devices in George Martin's books, on which Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon series are based – they are one of the most memorable, if not the most memorable part of the world of Westeros.
The 4 OMG Moments of HotD Season 1: Fans Share Their Favorite Plot Twists
Harley Houghton
The 4 OMG Moments of HotD Season 1: Fans Share Their Favorite Plot Twists
One thing that the first season of House of the Dragon has plenty of has been plot twists.
House of the Dragon Missed a Crucial Plot Point with Rhaenyra and Harwin's Affair
Harley Houghton
House of the Dragon Missed a Crucial Plot Point with Rhaenyra and Harwin's Affair
One of the most gripping storylines in House of the Dragon is the illegitimacy of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen's first three sons.
As HotD Confirms 5 New Dragons, Fans Can't Wait For The Deadliest One
Virginia Singh
As HotD Confirms 5 New Dragons, Fans Can't Wait For The Deadliest One
More dragons, more fun: get ready to meet another bunch of gracious creatures the next season.
ASOIAF Animated Adaptation Could Give Us Everything GoT Couldn't
Dean Black
ASOIAF Animated Adaptation Could Give Us Everything GoT Couldn't
It's high time for animation to save Westeros.
One Silver Lining That Toxic Duo of Rhaenyra and Daemon Had
Zoe Wallace
One Silver Lining That Toxic Duo of Rhaenyra and Daemon Had
After all, looks like Rhaenyra does care about other people's feelings occasionally, and Daemon can do more than kill, hang out in brothels, and bully his older brother.
More to the Game: Six Projects in the GoT World HBO Are Considering Right Now
Dean Black
More to the Game: Six Projects in the GoT World HBO Are Considering Right Now
With the overwhelming success of the Game of Thrones series, it was only logical to expect HBO to continue their collaboration with George Martin. 
3 Major Shows That Jumped Off the Hype Train Too Soon
Zoe Wallace
3 Major Shows That Jumped Off the Hype Train Too Soon
These days, today's hit show can quickly become tomorrow's old news. 
Sorry, Team Black: Rhaenyra Is No Good Ruler When It Comes to Wartime
Louise Everitt
Sorry, Team Black: Rhaenyra Is No Good Ruler When It Comes to Wartime
She may be the official heir and rightfully so, but her mental state would ruin it for her.
The One Thing Matt Smith Hopes to See Changed in HotD – and It's Not Deaths
Aaren Gimenez
The One Thing Matt Smith Hopes to See Changed in HotD – and It's Not Deaths
While Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon are perhaps best known for featuring of a lot of brutal deaths, there is another thing that the both shows are infamous for having in abundance.
The One Thing Martin Would Change About GoT - and It's Not the Ending
Lee Jevon
The One Thing Martin Would Change About GoT - and It's Not the Ending
George RR Martin famously had less influence on later seasons of Game of Thrones than he had over the first few.
Did Daemon's Brothel Visit Foreshadow a Sinister House of the Dragon Plot Twist?
Lee Jevon
Did Daemon's Brothel Visit Foreshadow a Sinister House of the Dragon Plot Twist?
Rarely is anything in House of the Dragon not multi-layered.
We Did the Maths: Here's How Long It'd Take to Watch All of Game of Thrones
Lee Jevon
We Did the Maths: Here's How Long It'd Take to Watch All of Game of Thrones
HBOs hit series Game of Thrones came to an end in December 2019 after 8 seasons of skulduggery, slaying and sex.
Vaemond Made So Many Dumb Mistakes in HotD, We Can't Even Be Mad Anymore
Harley Houghton
Vaemond Made So Many Dumb Mistakes in HotD, We Can't Even Be Mad Anymore
House of the Dragon has introduced us to so many wonderful characters.
HotD Got Almost Every Martin's Character Right, but This One is Pure Disaster
Louise Everitt
HotD Got Almost Every Martin's Character Right, but This One is Pure Disaster
The Game of Thrones prequel has changed a lot from George R.R. Martin's Fire and Blood, but one character could not have been treated any worse, according to the fandom.