Aaren Gimenez

As a 90s kid, I got some strong (and rather conflicting) opinions about 'Star Wars', that I pour into writing occasionally. DM me on Twitter @AarenGimenez if you wanna grumble with me about Disney ruining 'Star Wars' as we speak.

12 Iconic Movie Scenes That Were Completely Unscripted
Aaren Gimenez
12 Iconic Movie Scenes That Were Completely Unscripted
Even though the script is probably one of the most important things in the production of a movie, some actors like to experiment with it, adding some lines during the shooting or even improvising on the spot.
Critics Say These 5 Netflix Shows Are a Waste of Everyone's Time
Aaren Gimenez
Critics Say These 5 Netflix Shows Are a Waste of Everyone's Time
While the world's largest streaming platform has its share of great shows, it also has a huge back catalog of downright bad projects that have left critics wondering why producers decided to spend so much money on them in the first place.
15 Intense True Crime Shows on Netflix to Watch After Griselda
Aaren Gimenez
15 Intense True Crime Shows on Netflix to Watch After Griselda
After "Griselda" and Sofia Vergara's brilliant performance leaves you craving more crime drama, Netflix has got you covered with 15 shows that dive deep into the genre, each one packing a punch that hits harder than a detective's interrogation.
What Your Fav Blue Bloods Character Reveals About Your Personality
Aaren Gimenez
What Your Fav Blue Bloods Character Reveals About Your Personality
The long-running crime drama has survived in the competitive prime-time landscape thanks to its vast array of relatable characters, each of whom appeals to their own type of person.
Which Marvel Superhero Are You Based on Your Myers-Briggs Type?
Aaren Gimenez
Which Marvel Superhero Are You Based on Your Myers-Briggs Type?
The Myers-Briggs test is one of the most popular personality quizzes out there, and the idea of sitting down with Marvel superheroes and having them take it seems as ridiculous as it is fascinating.
Discover Your Gilmore Girls Character Match Based on Your Zodiac
Aaren Gimenez
Discover Your Gilmore Girls Character Match Based on Your Zodiac
The iconic melodrama series garnered a huge fan base for one specific reason: well-written characters, each of whom seemed relatable and alive.
Reddit Swears By These 10/10 Movies About the End of the World
Aaren Gimenez
Reddit Swears By These 10/10 Movies About the End of the World
These movies don't just end the world, they do it with style.
20 Most Romantic K-Dramas on Netflix in February 2024, Ranked
Aaren Gimenez
20 Most Romantic K-Dramas on Netflix in February 2024, Ranked
If February has you in the mood for love, Netflix's lineup of K-dramas is like a perfectly curated box of chocolates – sweet, varied, and guaranteed to hit the right romantic notes.
Casting Done Wrong: 14 Actors Who Made Us Cringe in Their Roles
Aaren Gimenez
Casting Done Wrong: 14 Actors Who Made Us Cringe in Their Roles
A good job by the casting director can make or break a movie. 
17 Classic Westerns on Prime That Still Hold Up in 2024
Aaren Gimenez
17 Classic Westerns on Prime That Still Hold Up in 2024
In 2024, Prime's lineup of classic Westerns is like a treasure trove for fans; it's got everything from Eastwood's iconic squint to lesser-known gems that deserve their moment in the high-noon sun.