Rachel Bailey

Rachel is our newest writer, but it wasn't until she joined Starterfacts that we finally got the missing piece of the puzzle.

This woman is a fan of all things cringeworthy; ask her to name the episodes in which Michael Scott from The Office made an inappropriate comment about a woman and you'll get it. Or, if that sounds too easy, try asking her to name the movies with the most embarrassing love scenes. We dare you.

Rachel is also one of those people who binge-watches Friends, How I Met Your Mother, Sex And The City, and other classics in parallel with other new shows. She finds time for the latest season of Lupin, while also celebrating the 100th time she watched the episode where Mr. Big sings Sinatra's "It Was a Very Good Year."

We still don't get how she can enjoy the darkest of shows like Peaky Blinders and The Handmaid's Tale, be a hardcore fan of The Sopranos, and still cry like a baby when Fire and Water finally admit they love each other in Pixar's Elemental.

In fact, Rachel is a fan of all kinds of animation, from the Disney classics that bring you back into childhood to the adult cartoons like Disenchantment or The Simpsons.

What we like most about Rachel is that she always tries to challenge herself. For example, she recently decided to become the most dedicated K-drama fan you've ever met. So if you want a 10-step plan on how to become one, drop her a text and she'll send you a free guide.

Which Grey's Anatomy Character Was Based on Shonda Rhimes' Mother?
Rachel Bailey
Which Grey's Anatomy Character Was Based on Shonda Rhimes' Mother?
There's one character in the whole show that deserves as much praise as she gets.
HIMYM Fans Claim This One Was The Worst of Ted's Girlfriends, And It's Hard To Argue
Rachel Bailey
HIMYM Fans Claim This One Was The Worst of Ted's Girlfriends, And It's Hard To Argue
For a character who believed wholeheartedly in true love, this storyline was too cruel.
This Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Character Makes No Sense (Especially With That Casting)
Rachel Bailey
This Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Character Makes No Sense (Especially With That Casting)
Easily the show's most confusing mistake.
Stella Kidd Forced Chicago Fire Writers To Work Hard To Cover Her Absence
Rachel Bailey
Stella Kidd Forced Chicago Fire Writers To Work Hard To Cover Her Absence
The departure of one character always causes so much trouble for the show's entire creative team.
Sherlock or Mycroft: Who Is The Smartest of The Two Holmes Brothers?
Rachel Bailey
Sherlock or Mycroft: Who Is The Smartest of The Two Holmes Brothers?
The good old sibling rivalry of who is the best does not go unnoticed even in the Holmes family.
Kristen Stewart Basically Saved Anna Kendrick's 'Mid' Twilight Scene
Rachel Bailey
Kristen Stewart Basically Saved Anna Kendrick's 'Mid' Twilight Scene
You should really appreciate someone who does more for your success than you do.
3 Most Heartbreaking Scenes In Friends That Fans Still Can't Get Over
Rachel Bailey
3 Most Heartbreaking Scenes In Friends That Fans Still Can't Get Over
No matter how many years have passed, these scenes will always be the ones that make us cry.
Why Hate Dennis Kim? Young Sheldon Explains TBBT's Old Rivalry
Rachel Bailey
Why Hate Dennis Kim? Young Sheldon Explains TBBT's Old Rivalry
There's always a reason to hate someone.
Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: One Joel S1 Line Aged So Well It's Heartbreaking
Rachel Bailey
Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: One Joel S1 Line Aged So Well It's Heartbreaking
Re-watching the first season may bring some new details to your attention.
Definitive Proof Friends & HIMYM Are Essentially The Same Show
Rachel Bailey
Definitive Proof Friends & HIMYM Are Essentially The Same Show
There will be no more teaming up between fans to decide which show is better.