TV The Office

5 Things Michael Scott Did in The Office So Gross They Made Him Entirely Unlikable

5 Things Michael Scott Did in The Office So Gross They Made Him Entirely Unlikable
Image credit: NBC

Date Mike included.

Michael Scott is probably the most complicated character on The Office. At first glance, he appears to be this silly middle-aged man-child who needs to grow up and become a serious manager. But occasionally, he does come up with brilliant ideas that help his branch become successful.

However, these twists happen so rarely that you can't even name them without scratching your head for a good hour. The only things that come to mind are the ridiculous storylines that have caused so much trouble for his staff and disgusted fans.

1. Mike’s Alter Egos

Date Mike, Party Mike, Prison Mike... These are all characters we should never have seen on screen. In order to be successful, Michael Scott, already a very extravagant person, decided to create a lot of different characters that he thought would be perfect for certain situations.

The truth is, it was just too much. Being a jerk in the guise of a macho man? It doesn't work that way, Michael!

2. The Helene Storyline

First, he compromised his friendship with Pam by dating her mom, and then when Pam was finally at peace with her boss dating her mom, he did the most Michael Scott thing he could have ever done.

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He broke up with Helene on her birthday! And he did it in the ugliest way possible, pointing out their age difference several times and claiming that she was too old for him. That’s no gentleman's way to behave.

3. Another Ruined Celebration

Ruining parties seemed to have become something of a favorite activity for Michael. But ruining Phyllis and Bob's wedding day was just too much.

He made several attempts to make it all about him, making inappropriate comments about Phyllis, hijacking the toast to the newlyweds, and forcing himself on the best man standing at the altar. This is no way for a boss to behave at his employee's wedding.

4. Mike “The Betrayer”

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The Golden Ticket episode is one of the worst for many reasons, but the main one is that we got to see Michael throw his most loyal employee under the bus.

For those who don't remember, five golden tickets were put into boxes of paper, and they offered some sort of discount to the companies that got them. But all five ended up at one company, which created a problem for Dunder Mifflin.

When Mike found out, he put the blame on Dwight. But then suddenly the whole idea was very much appreciated by David Wallace. And Michael could not stand the thought of anyone but himself taking credit for a good business idea.

5. Meredith and the Rehab

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The day of the Moroccan Christmas party was not a good one for poor Meredith. After drinking too much, she accidentally set her hair on fire, and that gave Mike the idea that he could do something great for her, even "save" her, so he forced her into rehab.

Well, he dragged her into the facility against her will, and the whole scene was just so creepy it was painful to watch.