Tarantino's Supporting Characters That Outshined The Main Hero
Sarah Flores
Tarantino's Supporting Characters That Outshined The Main Hero
We are still not quite certain if Django was the only one main character in the movie.
Crush of the Day
Adam Sandler From: Happy Gilmore 2
What are your thoughts on Adam Sandler reprising his iconic role in the Happy Gilmore sequel?
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This Green Knight Star Owes His Fame To Star Wars
Mathias Noris
This Green Knight Star Owes His Fame To Star Wars
Joel Edgerton paid tribute to the role that launched his entire career.
Most Intriguing Tarantino Easter Eggs That Prove His Movies All Exist in The Same Universe
Benjamin Patel
Most Intriguing Tarantino Easter Eggs That Prove His Movies All Exist in The Same Universe
If you are a Tarantino aficionado, you should definitely know about these amazing interconnections. 
3 Compelling Reasons Frozen & The Lion King are the Same Movie
Alex Nguyen
3 Compelling Reasons Frozen & The Lion King are the Same Movie
Seriously, just think about it.
Tom Hanks Shares an Eerily Optimistic Message on AI in Movies
Mathias Noris
Tom Hanks Shares an Eerily Optimistic Message on AI in Movies
The actor believes that it would allow for him and others to appear on screen long after their deaths.
James Gunn's Surprising Ranking of the Greatest Comic Book Movies Ever Made
Benjamin Patel
James Gunn's Surprising Ranking of the Greatest Comic Book Movies Ever Made
You will be surprised, but Guardians of the Galaxy are not on the list.
7 Iconic Horror Films Ranked From Easiest To Hardest To Survive
Sarah Flores
7 Iconic Horror Films Ranked From Easiest To Hardest To Survive
If only all characters were smart enough not to use forgotten, weird-looking old things or willingly put themselves in danger...
One Controversial Hunger Games Character Fans Can't Decide To Love Or Hate
Virginia Singh
One Controversial Hunger Games Character Fans Can't Decide To Love Or Hate
There's just so much cruelty that can be forgiven.
5 Daniel Radcliffe Movies You May Have Unfairly Ignored
Mathias Noris
5 Daniel Radcliffe Movies You May Have Unfairly Ignored
After his time as Harry Potter came to an end, Daniel appeared in a number of interesting movies that unfortunately didn't get much attention.
6 Reasons The Notebook Is The Most Frustrating Movie Ever Made
Mathias Noris
6 Reasons The Notebook Is The Most Frustrating Movie Ever Made
Even 20 years later, this movie is just hard to watch because there are so many bad aspects and lost potential to it.