Reddit Sorted Batman Characters Into Hogwarts Houses, And It's Far From What You Expect
The world of Harry Potter and the world of Batman may seem like two completely different universes, but what if we were to merge them? Which houses of Hogwarts would the characters of Batman belong to? Let's take a closer look.
All these sleepless nights when you kept wondering why Buzz Lightyear was freezing around people if he didn't think he was a toy are about to end for good.
In a sea of bad and mediocre found-footage movies, it might be hard to find something decent, but we tried our best and found some hidden gems to spice up the competition.
Hermione's Terrible Trauma Was Completely Ignored by Both Harry Potter and You (And It's Not About Her Parents)
Hermione's pain being overlooked by her friends is almost a secondary leitmotiv of Harry Potter. But how could you all so easily gloss over her biggest trauma?..
Bruce Willis Once Rejected $139M Movie Salary, Still Made the Bank
Can you imagine the industry's biggest actors at their peak working for free just because they really like the movie? We couldn't either, but this story changed our perspective.