If MAX's Harry Potter Creators Don't Fix This Movie Issue They'll Be Shredded by Potterheads

One of Harry Potter's main romantic couples was absolutely butchered in the movies, and the TV adaptation has to fix that — otherwise, there will be riots.
If you ask a Harry Potter fan who has read the books what their thoughts on Harry and Ginny as a couple are, you can get many different answers: some love this duo, and others just don't see them together in a decade or two.
But if you ask a movie fan who's never read the books that question, you will awaken the monster.
Not a single person who watches the movies without reading the books can make sense of the Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley's couple, and every last one of them will tell you that it's the most fake, unnecessary, and unjustified couple ever.
The key takeaway is, the original movies have butchered Harry and Ginny's romance.
We can't really blame the creators of the Harry Potter movies, though: they had to show one too many plotlines that were way more important, and even those had to be severely cut because of the time restrictions for the movies.
They had to play with the cards they had, and sacrificing the romantic storyline was an obvious choice.
But it's about time this frustrating flaw gets fixed for good!
As we all know, there's a TV adaptation of Harry Potter in the works at MAX, and it has all the opportunities to finally show the relationship between Harry and Ginny the way it was in the books: with a slow but steady build-up, with many shared moments that led to their mutual sympathy, and the funny scenes later when they are together.
Honestly, we don't even think the TV series has to portray their relationship by the book (literally).
The creators should totally take it beyond and show everything that the books couldn't give us — first and foremost, due to POV and plot restrictions.
We could see a lot more from Ginny's perspective and get to know her better. What she's been through in the Chamber of Secrets; how she was struggling with her feelings for Harry; how she befriended Hermione who helped her come to her senses; how she gained her confidence and became the bright person Harry fell in love with.
Then again, the books didn't do a great job of picturing Harry and Ginny's relationship after it already began.
We had a few funny scenes and a brief mention of how happy they were together, walking around Hogwarts and falling in love with each other even more. We didn't get to really know them as a couple, you know?
Now, Harry Potter the TV show has none of those restrictions. It's not limited time-wise, and it's not limited in terms of either POV or plot focus.
This series has the unique chance to properly show how and why Harry and Ginny came together in Hogwarts — and also how and why their bond led to them marrying after the war.
The best thing is, the next generations of Potterheads that are not too keen on reading won't be as frustrated with this couple as the current movie fans are: they'll be able to see the chemistry and the history behind Harry and Ginny's relationship.
And the book fans will finally see the duo the way they were supposed to be.
We're not saying that Potterheads will have the show's creators' heads on pikes if they somehow mess this up… But theoretically speaking, we may be implying just that.