Why Hogwarts Express Was Actually an Incredibly Stupid Idea (For Some)
Dean Black
Why Hogwarts Express Was Actually an Incredibly Stupid Idea (For Some)
When someone says "Hogwarts" we all immediately picture the great castle from the movies, the four Houses, and the red train taking excited students toward their new school year — and adventures, of course.
Internet Crush of the Day
Olivia Cooke From: House of the Dragon
Are we excited for season 3 already?
Hot (59%) Not (41%)
Sylvester Stallone Robbed Us of Robert Downey Jr as Edgar Poe (But Regretted It)
Zoe Wallace
Sylvester Stallone Robbed Us of Robert Downey Jr as Edgar Poe (But Regretted It)
Robert Downey Jr's "dark period" could have ended sooner if Sylvester Stallone had given him that chance.
Star Wars Scenes That Were a Complete Waste of Screen Time
Mathias Noris
Star Wars Scenes That Were a Complete Waste of Screen Time
Editors exist for a reason, and these Star Wars moments clearly prove why.
AI Imagines Animated Characters as Villains, and Scooby Is the Stuff of Nightmares
Ava Raxa
AI Imagines Animated Characters as Villains, and Scooby Is the Stuff of Nightmares
The AIs are at it again. This time, Planet AI has taken away our beloved animated characters and turned them into actual monsters. Are you as livid as we are?
Will He Ever Play Joker? Willem Dafoe Finally Sets the Record Straight
Mathias Noris
Will He Ever Play Joker? Willem Dafoe Finally Sets the Record Straight
Fans have been waiting for this answer since they first saw Dafoe's evil grin on screen.
Tom Felton Has Some Heartbreaking Words About Late Robbie Coltrane
Álvaro Villanueva
Tom Felton Has Some Heartbreaking Words About Late Robbie Coltrane
Robbie Coltrane's death was a loss for any movie fan, but especially for the Harry Potter community.
Original Pirates of the Caribbean Star Wants To Return to Franchise
Álvaro Villanueva
Original Pirates of the Caribbean Star Wants To Return to Franchise
It's been six long years since we had a Pirates of the Caribbean movie, and fans have been left wondering if we'll ever see Captain Jack Sparrow on the big screen again.
Here's What Margot Robbie Really Thinks About Lady Gaga's Harley Quinn
Zoe Wallace
Here's What Margot Robbie Really Thinks About Lady Gaga's Harley Quinn
As soon as the first frame of the new Joker with Lady Gaga appeared, the singer was immediately subjected to massive criticism.
Killing Eve's Jodie Comer Shares An Unexpected Shrek Ambition
Virginia Singh
Killing Eve's Jodie Comer Shares An Unexpected Shrek Ambition
Whether it's a live-action movie or another animated one, we're here to see it!
Pennywise Could Have Been Played by a Female Actor Instead of Bill Skarsgard
Álvaro Villanueva
Pennywise Could Have Been Played by a Female Actor Instead of Bill Skarsgard
Just when you thought that no one could nail the role of the eerie clown quite like the Swedish actor...