Most Cringeworthy Superhero Movie Moments That Are So Bad It's Good

Just when we forget how cheesy these movies can be...
Some movie moments are memorable because of the drama, comedy or tension that leave an everlasting impression on viewers.
However, some scenes may get stuck in our memory for completely opposite reasons, — they make us cringe and laugh through pain. Superhero movies seem to be a great source for cringey and cheesy moments.
Let's look back at some of the cringiest scenes from good superhero movies (or that were supposed to be good).
"I don't answer to my slave name" (X-Men: The Last Stand)
This line was said by Mystique in the third X-Men movie when she was being interrogated. Sorry, what? This line makes no sense.
Mystique is a white woman (well, she is blue but still white), and there was no single reason for her to say something like that.
Martha (Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice)
Yeah, this list would be certainly incomplete without this scene from Batman v Superman.
Batman finds out that Superman's mother's name is Martha and this is also the name of his mother, and suddenly decides that Superman is not bad. What a drama…
Peter Parker's dance (Spider-Man 3)
In this movie Peter showed some weird result of the symbiot's influence as he started dancing in the middle of the street while funky music was playing in the background.
This scene, among other things, contributed to the movie's controversial reviews upon the release.
No-kill rule (Batman Begins)
Batman's no kill rule was established in Batman Begins but shortly after there was a scene where Batman just murders several members of League of Shadows.
Bruce caused a massive explosion causing them to die. Even though it might not be his initial intention, he surely could guess that the explosion will cause multiple deaths.
Exaggerated acting (Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance)
In this scene Johnny Blaze, played by Nicolas Cage, cornered a criminal against a wall to make him give up some information.
And what follows the scene is Blaze struggling to hold back his crazy shakes and shouting his lungs out. This is arguably one of the most overacted performances in the career of Nicolas Cage.