Jim Parsons Almost Lost It During Emotional TBBT Scene with Simon Helberg
There's no doubt that throughout the 279 episodes and 12 years that The Big Bang Theory actors worked together, they've experienced their fair share of growth and intense moments together.
Marvel Studios Scales Back on TV for 2023: Are We in for a Disappointing Year?
Marvel fans, brace yourselves! Disney+ has just announced that only three Marvel Studios series will be premiering on their platform in 2023. This is a far cry from the plethora of content we've been blessed with this year, but we'll take what we can get.
One Jim Parsons' Habit That Annoys Rihanna To No End
It's hard to imagine Rihanna being associated with the word "nerd" in any way, much less a nerdy sitcom. And Rihanna's fans have nothing to worry about just yet as it doesn't seem like it's about to change any time soon.
Too Old & Too Famous: Bridgerton Fans Don't Want Cavill Anywhere Near the Show
You may think that audiences around the world would welcome an actor like Henry Cavill to any show or movie with open arms. Well, as it turns out, dashing looks and a name in the industry don't always work in every actor's favor.
Reddit Recasts Game of Thrones With 80s Stars, And It's Actually Perfect
Imagining impossible recasts for one's favorite movies and shows by now became a fairly common form of entertainment on the web. And now Reddit provided us with another example of this fun game, recasting Game of Thrones with actors from the 1980s.
HotD Has a Chance to Deliver Coolest Moment in TV History – Or Ruin It Entirely
What moment, you ask? The one that George Martin himself most looks forward to see, according to his response to a fan question: "Well yeah… the Battle Above the Gods Eye."
Robin Williams' SVU Episode Was Based on Real Controversial Experiment
SVU has been one of NBC's most popular shows since its inception in 1999, following a team of New York City detectives investigating the most heinous of crimes. Some of these crimes are based off of real-life occurrences, including an episode featuring Robin Williams.