10 Brutally Honest War Films That Nail Historical Accuracy

It's no secret that Hollywood likes to tone down movies and make them more comfortable to watch in the hopes of attracting more people. And while this tactic may make sense for romantic or action movies, war movies suffer greatly.
The thing is, in many Hollywood films, war looks almost uplifting, which really undermines the pacifist message of the movies.
Here are 10 dark war movies that make them almost unbearable to watch:
War is one of the worst things that can happen to human beings, and the movies on this list capture that idea perfectly, immersing the viewer in a world of pain, blood, and sweat. There's nothing remotely pleasant about these movies, just as there's nothing pleasant about real war.
People die, innocents are massacred, and cities are destroyed, and the fact that the directors of these films created them with the utmost realism makes them great not only as cinematic works, but also as a precursor against needless bloodshed.
As you've probably noticed, most of the movies on this list are quite old, and it's not really hard to deduce why. Modern movies have become stale and too safe compared to the old ones, and themes of war and violence have become too risky for producers to invest money in.
However, even though new gritty war movies are few and far between, the old ones on this list are sure to keep you entertained for the foreseeable future.